Andrew ACTON参加者
Greetings Tiki,
2025 is almost here, so thank you for all the improvements to TuneBrowser during 2024!
I still hope we can one day see TuneBrowser with a basic ‘CD player function’ … maybe in 2025 🙂
Please feel free to ‘close’ this request if you think it is not suitable or worthy of the time and effort.
Many thanks, Andrew 2024-12-26
Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki san,
I tested your solution (V. 1746) + change to “_PERFORMER” as “PERFORMER; ARITIST” and that works perfectly! Thank you for coming up with a smart solution. 🙂
Please see the attached screen capture showing GREEN (Artist) visible and ORANGE (Album Artist) visible in the correct locations.
It’s an especially good solution because it does not need a change (or use of) the TuneBrowser internal “Performer” tag.
Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki-san,
Thank you for the quick reply, as always.
It would still be easier to consider assigning CUE-PERFORMER to PERFORMER for each track.
That would be a great solution and would satisfy my requirements.
CUE Performer (CD) -> ALBUM ARTIST
CUE Performer (TRACK) -> PERFORMER (see question below)
Do you think it would be useful to also assign CUE Performer (TRACK) -> PERFORMER *AND* ARTIST in parallel?
Thanks, Andrew
Would it also be wise to
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Adding file (smaller version)
Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings Tiki-san
Thank you so much for such a rapid response!
I have downloaded and performed initial testing on V. 1746. So far everything looks perfect. All Cuesheet file PERFORMER values are now registered in TuneBrowser for the CD (disc) and Track(s). 🙂
I attach a screen capture showing the results.
I rip to WAV file (no imbedded metadata) + Cuesheet file generated from the rip process. All the data you see in the screen capture is from the rip process (no manual edits).
Finally, I am thinking of how to update TuneBrowser displayed data for PERFORMER.
Taking the example screen capture, we see CD Performer “Multiple Composers” i.e. the CD PERFORMER only.
I think it would be nice to see CD PREFORMER (TRACK PERFORMER)
e.g. “Multiple Composers (Hilary Hahn)” rather than just “Multiple Composers” in my example.
P.S I will perform additional testing in the coming 1 or 2 days and update you should I find anything.
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki,
Thank you for the clarification regarding the existing support for CUE file PERFORMER tags. I was spending many hours testing/thinking it was my setup problem. 🙂I would be very grateful if you can consider supporting CUE file PERFORMER tags in both places (the CD and TRACKS definitions CUE tags). If implemented, it will make handling of multiple performer (various artists) CDs much easier. :))
It’s hot is Japan recently, please enjoy the holidays and I look forward to your feedback.
Regards, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki-san
Thank you for the prompt reply, and I understand your answer (with the help of Google translate). 🙂
I hope you can bring the (basic play physical CD) function to TuneBrowser in the future however I understand it is a lower priority.
If the CD DRIVE could appear in the TREE VIEW PANEL (just like the other drives currently) and simply accept standard track control (Play, Stop, Next…) that would be sufficient.
I do not think it is necessary to retrieve metadata (Internet) given the person has the physical CD! 🙂
It would be good to keep the sound spectrum display.
Tracks can be referenced just as Windows sees the physical CD today (Track01, Track02…).Thank you for considering this request, I hope it does not cause you any trouble.
AndrewGoogle Translate Follows:
こんにちは、ティキ素早い返信ありがとうございます。(Google 翻訳の助けを借りて)あなたの答えを理解しました。 🙂
将来的には(物理 CD の基本再生)機能を TuneBrowser に導入できることを願っていますが、優先順位は低いことは理解しています。
CD ドライブが (現在の他のドライブと同様に) ツリー ビュー パネルに表示され、標準のトラック コントロール (再生、停止、次へ…) を単に受け入れることができれば、それで十分です。
その人が物理的な CD を持っていることを考えると、メタデータ (インターネット) を取得する必要はないと思います。 🙂
Windows が現在物理 CD を認識しているのと同じように、トラックを参照できます (Track01、Track02…)。このリクエストをご検討いただきありがとうございます。ご迷惑をおかけしないことを願っております。
——————————————————————————–Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Sorry for my slow reply. I have checked ( and the date looks consistent (good).
I did notice an extra ‘space’ character (see attached screen copy – pink colour comments) however that ‘space’ was also in the version before ( Maybe only some people will notice such things 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki…
You are welcome, glad I can help.
Oh, and Vangelis “Beaubourg” is very difficult for me also! I tend to collect all the official releases from an artist, however this one is my least played CD 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hiro makes a very good point about the appropriate use of the TuneBrowser forum.
We are all very lucky to have TuneBrowser, access to a support forum and direct access to expert guidance from Tiki at effectively no (monetary) cost!
Every forum question takes valuable time away from Tiki, and I think many forum questions could be answered by experienced TuneBrowser users.
Unfortunately, my native language is English and I can’t read Japanese, however I still read the forum regularly (which is mostly in Japanese) using Google translate and contribute when I have the answer.
I would think we (TuneBrowser Users) could all do more to help Tiki save his valuable time for the difficult software ‘bugs’ and continued development of TuneBrowser.
TuneBrowser ‘Users’ helping ‘Users’. 🙂
Andrew ACTON
Google Translate (may have errors):
Hiro は TuneBrowser フォーラムの適切な使用について非常に良い点を指摘しています。TuneBrowser、サポート フォーラムへのアクセス、Tiki からの専門的なガイダンスへの直接アクセスを事実上 (金銭的な) 費用なしで利用できることは、私たち全員にとって非常に幸運です!
フォーラムでのすべての質問は、Tiki から貴重な時間を奪ってしまいます。多くのフォーラムでの質問は、経験豊富な TuneBrowser ユーザーによって回答できると思います。
残念ながら、私の母国語は英語で日本語は読めませんが、Google 翻訳を使用してフォーラムを定期的に (ほとんどが日本語で) 読んでおり、回答があれば投稿しています。
私たち (TuneBrowser ユーザー) は、Tiki が困難なソフトウェアの「バグ」と TuneBrowser の継続的な開発のために貴重な時間を節約できるように、もっとできることがあると思います。
TuneBrowser の「ユーザー」が「ユーザー」を助けます。 🙂
“Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者I also migrated to the latest edition – – No problems with images/sizing/holding size etc.
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki … I’m on V4.18.0 – Working as expected.
F11 (and SHFT+F11) increase / decrease the image size independently for each VIEW (Header Style, Track List Style, etc.). Restarted TuneBrowser and those image size settings are retained for each VIEW (correct function).
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki, I also noticed a query change (negative) with 4.17.0 (1546): 2020/08/29.
NOW with 4.17.0 (1547) : 2020/08/30 problem is FIXED. 🙂 🙂
Thanks for super fast fix! 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi, Tiki
“Have you achieved your goal? “
Yes! 🙂
With the query sample you provided, I was able to see the way TuneBrowser manages the (track) played ‘flag’ in relation to each ‘Album’. The current TuneBrowser function is logical perfect for my needs.
I would suggest adding the sample (you supplied) Tree Query for:
“Album Tracks – Played | Unplayed” in a future TuneBrowser release, many people may find this useful.Thanks again,
AndrewAndrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki
With your help, it works 🙂
Now I can clearly see TRACKS from Albums I have never played (or played).
So now, I rip a CD, it appears in the Unplayed list. As each TRACK is played that TRACK moves to the played list. Finally when ALL TRACKS are played from a CD, it ONLY appears in the played list.
Screen copy attached:
I used: $IFMATCH(%X_PLAYCOUNT,INT%,0,Tracks Unplayed,Tracks Played)%ALBUM%
P.S. Thanks for the URL (Help files) I will translate to English 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Thanks for your analysis, and yes you are certainly correct…INDEX points are rarely used today.
We shall leave this feature ‘in the past’ 🙂
Please feel free to close this topic, and again thanks for reading my suggestion and prompt reply.
P.S the DeepL translation seems to very good.
Cheers, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Appending another real example of a .CUE file generated for a RIP of a CD with with Pre-emphasis. This CD was one of the ‘first 50’ released for sale in Japan October 1982 🙂
TITLE “Grieg Piano Concerto”
REM DATE “1979”
REM GENRE “Early Music”
FILE “(01) Grieg Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op. 16 1, Allegro Molto Moderato.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Grieg Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op. 16: 1, Allegro Molto Moderato”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(02) Grieg Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op. 16 2, Adagio.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Grieg Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op. 16: 2, Adagio”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(03) Grieg Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op. 16 3, Allegro Moderato E Marcato.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Grieg Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op. 16: 3, Allegro Moderato E Marcato”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(04) Chopin Andate Spianato And Grand Polonaise Brillante, Op.22.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Chopin Andate Spianato And Grand Polonaise Brillante, Op.22”
INDEX 01 00:00:00<>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Please take your time, do not make yourself too busy. 🙂 I look forward to seeing your solution to automate the Pre-emphasis tag setting via CUE sheet.
Oh, and when you design the solution, please also consider the previous suggestion (i.e. 1. (ALL) = Read CUE File information (TuneBrowser already does this). 2. (PRE) = Read CUE File and apply ONLY “FLAGS PRE” to PRE_EMPHASIS tag (ignore all other information from the CUE file). 3. (NO) = Do NOT read CUE File.
Cheers, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Problem solved.
With my preferred CD ripping program if I DO NOT DETECT pre-gaps I get the correct (FILE/TRACK/TITLE/<other data>) arrangement for all tracks in the CUE file. 🙂
Can you process this format?
Note: ‘FLAGS PRE’ will be present on a line AFTER the ‘TRACK xx AUDIO’ lines if Pre-emphasis is required.
CATALOG 3259180001124
TITLE “Visitors”
REM DATE “1981”
REM COMMENT “EZ CD Audio Converter 9.1.0 [64-bit]”
FILE “(01) The Visitors.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100010
TITLE “The Visitors”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(02) Head Over Heels.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100020
TITLE “Head Over Heels”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(03) When All Is Said and Done.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100030
TITLE “When All Is Said and Done”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(04) Soldiers.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100040
TITLE “Soldiers”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(05) I Let the Music Speak.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100050
TITLE “I Let the Music Speak”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(06) One of Us.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100060
TITLE “One of Us”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(07) Two for the Price of One.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100070
TITLE “Two for the Price of One”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(08) Slipping Through My Fingers.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100080
TITLE “Slipping Through My Fingers”
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(09) Like An Angel Passing Through My Room.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100090
TITLE “Like An Angel Passing Through My Room”
INDEX 01 00:00:00What do you think?
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Your analysis is 100% correct. I also noticed this anomaly in the CUE file layout. As you said, there is no absolute standard for CUE sheets. It seems this ‘noncompliance’ is most common.
Please let me investigate this on my side. It may be possible to get the ripping software updated to create a orderly CUE file so its always in the following order (FILE/TRACK/TITLE/FLAGS) and NOT mixed up (‘noncompliance’).
What we need (for easy processing of the FLAGS PRE)
FILE “(01) The Visitors.wav” WAVE
TITLE “The Visitors”
<other data>FILE “(02) Head Over Heels.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Head Over Heels”
<other data>Repeat for other tracks on the CD…
I will get back to you, please keep this thread open 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki
Apologies for the confusion. I was experimenting with 2 different RIPPING programs. This is where the mis-match (you correctly point out) was created. I also added a FLAGS PRE as an example because I am currently traveling and do not have access to all my physical CDs (and those with Pre-emphasis) for real testing.
It seems there is no standard for where the CUE file should be saved. My preferred RIPPING program saves it in the SAME DIRECTORY as the music files. I also think that is a sensible place for the CUE file because its with the audio file(s).
I have just completed a fresh RIP, CUE and DIR below:
Directory of N:\Music\ABBA\Visitors
23/02/2020 20:15 <DIR> .
23/02/2020 20:15 <DIR> ..
23/02/2020 20:10 61,010,924 (01) The Visitors.wav
23/02/2020 20:11 40,183,964 (02) Head Over Heels.wav
23/02/2020 20:12 35,228,300 (03) When All Is Said and Done.wav
23/02/2020 20:12 49,497,884 (04) Soldiers.wav
23/02/2020 20:13 57,083,084 (05) I Let the Music Speak.wav
23/02/2020 20:14 41,858,588 (06) One of Us.wav
23/02/2020 20:14 38,532,860 (07) Two for the Price of One.wav
23/02/2020 20:15 41,242,364 (08) Slipping Through My Fingers.wav
23/02/2020 20:15 37,749,644 (09) Like An Angel Passing Through My Room.wav
23/02/2020 20:15 1,592 ABBA – Visitors.cue
23/02/2020 20:15 8,940 ABBA – Visitors.log—————————————————————————
And the contents of the ABBA – Visitors.cue FILE:
CATALOG 3259180001124
TITLE “Visitors”
REM DATE “1981”
FILE “(01) The Visitors.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100010
TITLE “The Visitors”
PREGAP 00:00:32
INDEX 01 00:00:00
ISRC SEA018100020
TITLE “Head Over Heels”
INDEX 00 05:45:05
FILE “(02) Head Over Heels.wav” WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
ISRC SEA018100030
TITLE “When All Is Said and Done”
INDEX 00 03:46:42
FILE “(03) When All Is Said and Done.wav” WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
ISRC SEA018100040
TITLE “Soldiers”
INDEX 00 03:17:29
FILE “(04) Soldiers.wav” WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
ISRC SEA018100050
TITLE “I Let the Music Speak”
INDEX 00 04:37:54
FILE “(05) I Let the Music Speak.wav” WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
ISRC SEA018100060
TITLE “One of Us”
INDEX 00 05:18:46
FILE “(06) One of Us.wav” WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
ISRC SEA018100070
TITLE “Two for the Price of One”
INDEX 00 03:54:71
FILE “(07) Two for the Price of One.wav” WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
ISRC SEA018100080
TITLE “Slipping Through My Fingers”
INDEX 00 03:35:44
FILE “(08) Slipping Through My Fingers.wav” WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE “(09) Like An Angel Passing Through My Room.wav” WAVE
ISRC SEA018100090
TITLE “Like An Angel Passing Through My Room”
INDEX 01 00:00:00—————————————————————————
I hope you can design TuneBroswer to:
Check (crawl) the current directory for a .CUE file, and if found process for Pre-emphasis. That will work 🙂 for me because my CUE is in the same directory as the music files (examples above).
For other people, if their ripper program saved the CUE file is in another directory (compared to the music files)… its a little complicated! 🙁
P.S: “ABBA – The Visitors” has no tracks with Pre-emphasis, however as you know ‘FLAGS PRE’ would be present for any track with Pre-emphasis.
I look forward to seeing/using what you can automate in your design.
Thx, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki
“… And now I have one question. How do I determine the CUE file path from the music file path ?”
The CUE file should always be stored in the same directory as the ripped music files. I think its reasonable for you (TuneBrowser) to only look in the current music file directory.
Directory of N:\Music\ABBA\Visitors
20/02/2020 14:51 61,010,924 01. The Visitors.wav
20/02/2020 14:53 40,183,964 02. Head Over Heels.wav
20/02/2020 14:54 35,228,300 03. When All Is Said and Done.wav
20/02/2020 14:55 49,497,884 04. Soldiers.wav
20/02/2020 14:57 57,083,084 05. I Let the Music Speak.wav
20/02/2020 14:58 41,858,588 06. One of Us.wav
20/02/2020 14:59 38,532,860 07. Two for the Price of One.wav
20/02/2020 15:00 41,242,364 08. Slipping Through My Fingers.wav
20/02/2020 15:01 37,749,644 09. Like An Angel Passing Through My Room.wav
20/02/2020 15:02 3,168 ABBA – Visitors.cue
20/02/2020 15:02 12,024 ABBA – Visitors.log
20/02/2020 14:49 206,065 Cover.jpg
12 File(s) 402,608,869 bytes
2 Dir(s) 162,141,831,168 bytes free🙂
So far I only have ‘The Visitors’ … I will give“Super Trouper” a listen (in full)’
Andrew ACTON参加者Also 🙂
You might wonder why:
“2. (PRE) = Read CUE File and apply ONLY “FLAGS PRE” to PRE_EMPHASIS tag (ignore all other information from the CUE file).”
is necessary?
I prefer to use my FOLDER/FILENAME structure (generated automatically when ripping) and NOT the information from a .CUE file.
To automate the CUE file “FLAGS PRE” update to TuneBroswer PRE_EMPHASIS tag causes ALL the CUE file information to be used (and I do not want that information …. only “FLAGS PRE”).
I hope that makes sense 🙂
CATALOG 3259180001124
TITLE “The Visitors”
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(01) The Visitors.wav” WAVE
TITLE “The Visitors”
ISRC SEA018100010
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:32
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(02) Head Over Heels.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Head Over Heels”
ISRC SEA018100020
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:10:00
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(03) When All Is Said And Done.wav”
TITLE “When All Is Said And Done”
ISRC SEA018100030
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:01:18
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(04) Soldiers.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Soldiers”
ISRC SEA018100040
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:02:24
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(05) I Let The Music Speak.wav” WAVE
TITLE “I Let The Music Speak”
ISRC SEA018100050
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:02:66
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(06) One Of Us.wav” WAVE
TITLE “One Of Us”
ISRC SEA018100060
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:04:74
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(07) Two For The Price Of One.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Two For The Price Of One”
ISRC SEA018100070
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:02:26
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(08) Slipping Through My Fingers.wav”
TITLE “Slipping Through My Fingers”
ISRC SEA018100080
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:02:64
FILE “ABBA\The Visitors\(09) Like An Angel Passing Through My
Room.wav” WAVE
TITLE “Like An Angel Passing Through My Room”
ISRC SEA018100090
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:01Andrew ACTON参加者Also …
I would also like another TuneBrowser option to control how TuneBrowser uses the CUE file contents.
Something like:
1. (ALL) = Read CUE File information (TuneBrowser does this already).
2. (PRE) = Read CUE File and apply ONLY “FLAGS PRE” to PRE_EMPHASIS tag (ignore all other information from the CUE file).
3. (NO) = Do NOT read CUE File.
Personally, I want the “2. (PRE)” option for my use because I ONLY want to use the CUE file information to get “FLAGS PRE” … and thus automate the updating of PRE_EMPHASIS tag.
Please tell me if I can help with additional examples.
I will also add a CUE file sample to this post:
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki
Thank you for reading my request.
To clarify.
(a) “It seems that it is not difficult to process “FLAGS PRE”‘ as PRE_EMPHASIS tag when reading CUE file.” That is exactly what I would like, TB reads the CUE file and automatically updates the PRE_EMPHASIS tag if it finds FLAGS PRE for a track.
(b) I would also like an option to DISABLE all other CUE file data (if found). I don’t use CUE files normally (and they can be problematic). Unfortunately, to automate the “FLAGS PRE”‘ as PRE_EMPHASIS tag” we need the CUE file generated by the ripping process.
So… perhaps we could have”
(ALL) = Read CUE File and apply ALL DATA to TB.
(PRE) = Read CUE File and apply ONLY “FLAGS PRE” to PRE_EMPHASIS tag.
(NO) = Do NOT read CUE File.
Does this make sense? Its possible?
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings Tiki, Kouma
In my case I am using a PC display with 3840 * 2160 (i.e. ‘4K’) and the Cover image size is a maximum of about 66%? of the vertical height. I’m happy with the results… I recently upgraded my eye glasses 🙂 See attached image.
If you do consider giving us a PREFERENCE to adjust the Cover Art size I would suggest a simple % increment setting.
“Scale Cover Art” to (50%,75%,90% or 100%) of the vertical screen height. The user can set the value suitable for their conditions.
Andrew 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi hinokiss,
If your FILE NAMES have a format like:
“(01) Walking in the rain.wav”
“[01] Walking in the rain.wav”
“01 Walking in the rain.wav”These can all be fixed in one (automatic) step with Mp3tag using the formula: %track% %title%
Finished! 🙂
Currently TuneBrowser can not automatically perform this task (as far as I can see). Also, manually updating tracks one by one (with TuneBrowser) is useful for a minor corrections, but not a real solution for 100’s or 1000’s of manual file/tag changes.
I would also like TuneBrowser to have basic “TRACK NUMBER TAG ASSIGNMENT FROM FILE NAME” function because then I would not need to use Mp3tag. Such a function only needs to be a simple implementation (such as taking the first blank delimited word from the file name, stripping away any non-numeric characters and assigning it resulting number to the track number TAG).
We must thank Tiki for the wonderful TuneBrowser we all use everyday, its really is a great music playback system (and we always like to see new features) 🙂 🙂
Cheers, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings Tiki, Hinokiss
I was pleased to read the original suggestion by Hinokiss because I also encountered the same problem.
Please excuse me, since I can only use English (I use Google translate to read a Japanese to English translation of the forum).
I would like to share my procedure to overcome the TITLE with TRACK NUMBER issue:
Here is my process:
File Access “Compliment ALBUM” = ‘Use folder name’
File Access “Compliment ARTIST” = ‘Use parent folder name’This means TuneBrowser inherits the Artist and Title automatically from the directory structure I create.
This works perfectly (and automatically) however because I rip to filenames with prefix (01), (02), etc… becomes the TRACK TITLE.PART 2 – RIPPING THE CD
– I rip my files to the typical ARTIST NAME/ALBUM NAME/TRACK.WAV structure (example below).
– I *only* metadata I use is to build the correct Directory and Filenames structure (see example below).
– I only use WAV files.
– I (automatically) add (01),(02)… etc to each track file name to preserve the CD playback order.
– After ripping my WAV files do *NOT* contain any metadata, they are 100% bit accurate copies of the CD contents.Example: For the CD album title ‘Ghost in the machine’ by the artist ‘The Police’ I get:
Directory S:
/The Police
/Ghost In The Machine
(01) Spirits In The Material World.wav
(02) Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic.wav
(03) Invisible Sun.wav
(04) Hungry For You (J’aurais Toujours Faim De Toi).wav
(05) Demolition Man.wav
(06) Too Much Information.wav
(07) Rehumanize Yourself.wav
(08) One World (Not Three).wav
(09) Ωmegaman.wav
(10) Secret Journey.wav
(11) Darkness.wav
CD Cover.jpg
The Police – Ghost In The Machine.logPART 3 – UPDATE METADATA IN THE WAV FILE
– If I add the above directory to TuneBrowser now, everything works perfectly, however there is the minor issue of the TRACK TITLE containing (01), (02), etc… 🙁
– To make the metadata in the wav file perfect I use Mp3tag (one time, automatically) to update every ripped WAV file.
– Using Mp3tag (Convert, Filename-Tag) function with formula:/%artist%/%album%/(%track%) %title%
Results in metadata:
artist:The Police
album:Ghost In The Machine
title:Spirits In The Material WorldMp3tag writes the (100% correct metadata) into the WAV file, I ‘refresh’ the TuneBrowser database and I get a perfect result – SEE ATTACHED IMAGE. 🙂
While I think the suggestion from Hinokiss is a good one, I have to say Tiki’s comments and conclusion are correct. This is a slightly ‘dangerous’ area for TuneBrowser, its better to let other software (like Mp3tag) perform the heavy metadata work. 🙂
Regards, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
You are most welcome. I think the ‘pre-emphasis’ topic can now be closed 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings All,
I performed testing on 4 types of CDs with different Pre-emphasis settings and I can (also) report TuneBrowser detected all variations properly (Default and new Track Q-Sub Code method). See blue text in the attached image.
This was especially true for 1 CD where the Pre-emphasis flag in the CD TOC does NOT match the Pre-emphasis flag in the Track (Q Sub-Code). CD by Toto ‘Hydra” See “CD Example 4” in the table.
I attach a summary (image) with reference CDs used for pre-emphasis detection.
Once again, thank you Tiki for this improvement to TuneBrowser 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Thanks for the update, its understood. 🙂
Please do not trouble yourself too much, however one day… if you are looking to add something to the TuneBrowser feature list… it could be useful.
Please feel free to close this question.
Cheers, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Great to read the ‘reboot and it works’ fixed the problem.
Tiki will be pleased and can close this thread 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings Tiki,
Most welcome! 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings,
Well it was worth a try (4.9.3).
You can check the LOG in TuneBrowser, it may give a clue to why you are having a problem?
Use the TB main menu and navigate to:
The LOG will appear at the bottom of the screen … have a look in the UPnP tab.
On my system (see screen show) you can see the time the network … and the point where the
devices connect.
If that does not help, I will have to defer to other TuneBrowser experts…
AndrewP.S also check your PC Firewall/software setup, perhaps there is a (default) block in place?
Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings,
I have not used TuneBrowser with OpenHome previously, so I thought I would give it a try.
- – I enabled the OpenHome option in TuneBrowser (I am running Version
- – Installed the Linn Kazoo APP on the phone (I am running Android Version 8.0.0)
My computer and phone are both connected via Wi-Fi to the same router.
Works perfectly! This is very useful. 🙂
I did NOT need to select any LAN Interface in the settings (see attached screen copy). While this may not help your problem directly, I do want to report that TB with OpenHome is working.
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki,
– We are all grateful to those pioneers 🙂
– I have seen the “Red Book” and it can be obtained from the publisher via an official process. The process to get a copy (a PDF) is a little complex, however if you are interested please email me directly for the instructions. The pre-emphasis explanation in the “Red Book” is similar to your links, however its always useful to have the original information from the designers.
– Thank you for the links to additional information 🙂
– I was so busy LISTENING to the pre-emphasis vs no-emphasis music playback I did not see the “EMPH” indicator! I use the Google translated ‘Change Log’ and I did not see “EMPH” indicator mentioned as a new feature. Anyway I see the “EMPH” indicator light up NOW (for tracks with pre-emphasis processing) and disappear for tracks with no pre-emphasis. See attached screen copy. PERFECT!
– Thank you again… perhaps we can close this thread?
Thanks again,
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki
Reading the Q Channel to check the pre-emphasis bit would seem to be the ultimate solution! From what I read that data is preserved in a ripped (.wav) music file. That means TuneBrowser could dynamically check (at playback time) and completely eliminate any manually tagging for pre-emphasis.
I will certainly monitor the forum and the discussion for your news 🙂
In the meantime, the pre-emphasis solution in V4.9.0 is greatly appreciated and works!
(a) I assume you have seen the official Philips/Sony ‘Red Book’ Ref: ‘Compact Disc Digital Audio System Description Version March 2006’?
On p.41 the data format of the Q Channel is described in great detail (including all possible pre-emphasis values), data structure etc.
(b) I downloaded the program “CD Manipulator” last published in 2004! It seems to be able to perform deep analysis of the ‘sub channel’ data… perhaps that will provide clues to reading the Q Channel from a CD or WAV file? Interestingly the source code is freely available from the author’s website.
(c) If you have time, can you consider adding a small indicator (like the existing ones for “SHAR” “EVNT” “BITP” “MONO” “WAIT” etc.) to illuminate and say “EMPH” when TuneBrowser has activated playback de-emphasis for a track?
Pleased you liked my instructions. 🙂
Cheers, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings Tiki
I would like to give you some feedback regarding the new Pre-emphasis support in TuneBrowser V4.9.0.
I can report everything works correctly! 🙂
I tested the function with .WAV files extracted from the original CD.
The CD I used has specific tracks to test pre-emphasis ON (Track 37) and OFF (Track 38) for identical music.
Reference CD:
CD Title: “Digital Test – Digital Tests & Demonstration Tracks”
Publisher: “Pierre Verany”
Cat No: “PV.788031/788032”
Track 37: “Analogue De-emphasis Circuit Audible Incidence, Music recorded with pre-emphasis ON”
Track 38: “Analogue De-emphasis Circuit Audible Incidence, Music recorded with pre-emphasis OFF”
Using these two tracks, the resulting sound should be the SAME if the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuits/processing are working correctly (CD player or PC Software).
Since I only use .WAV files extracted from the original CD, I used the TuneBrowser (manual) tagging method to set the pre-emphasis flag to ‘1’ for tracks requiring de-emphasis.
Before TuneBrowser V4.9.0 (no pre-emphasis support) if you listen to ‘Track 37’ (it HAS pre-emphasis ON when mastered)… the sound is far too ‘bright’ with an over emphasis of higher frequencies (incorrect).
After I setup TuneBrowser V4.9.0 for pre-emphasis processing and set the pre-emphasis flag to ‘1’ for this track, track 37 and 38 now sound identical (correct).
So THANK YOU VERY MUCH for yet another great improvement to TuneBrowser.
P.S I add my setup notes below for other TuneBrowser Users (English):
Enabling Tunebrowser (V4.9.0 and higher) Pre-Emphasis SupportOne-time Setup:
(a) Go to: File / Preferences / Tags / Title & Tag
– Use the ADD button.
– ADD NEW ITEM ‘Pre-emphasis’ (under the Property Column… ‘Pre-emphasis’ will now be shown).
– For the ‘Pre-emphasis’ entry you just created add ‘PRE_EMPHASIS’ as the Value.(b) Go to: File / Preferences / Playback Settings / Decoding / Decoding misc / Automatic De-emphasis
– Choose ‘Yes’ to enable pre-emphasis checking/processing.Ongoing Setup:
(a) For each track (or complete CD) that was encoded with pre-emphasis, set the ‘Pre-emphasis’ value to ‘1’ under the ‘Properties Panel’ (for the track or entire CD).
Note: Select the track(s) / CD and use the Right Mouse Button to access the ‘Properties Panel’.When TuneBrowser plays back a track (in my case .WAV file) with the pre-emphasis flag set to ”1’… TuneBrowser uses DSP (44.1 kHz 24 bit) to apply the correct de-emphasis.
—————————————————————————————————Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings Tiki,
This is great news, thank you again.
I have several CDs that use pre-emphasis … I will check those in TuneBrowser in the coming weeks (currently away from home).
In addition I have a copy of this Pierre Verany CD “Digital Test” Ref:
This CD is rather special because it is a very rare example where the same recording (track) has been INTENTIONALLY recorded in the sub-code emphasis bit and off on the same music. This is extremely useful for testing if the ripping process and playback pocess correctly manages the pre-emphasis bit.
37. Analogue Desemphasis Circuit Audible Incidence: Music Recorded With Pre-Emphasis On – Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra/Kurt Redel
38. Analogue Desemphasis Circuit Audible Incidence: Music Recorded With Pre-Emphasis Off – Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra/Kurt Redel
If you ‘rip’ these tracks and look at the spectrograph of the waveform obviously different. In addition if you listen to each track its very easy to hear the difference when the pre-emphasis is not handled correctly.
I will use these 2 tracks to test TuneBrowser.
Please give me a few weeks to respond with the results.
Andrew Acton
Andrew ACTON参加者Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki
Thank you for your quick reply.
It is my mistake because I searched the forum in English for “pre-emphasis” and did not find your original answer. I should have used Japanese language search and locate the old answer regarding “プリエンファシス” !
Since I can only read my (native) English… normally I use Google translate to read the (mostly) Japanese forum. 🙂
Many thanks,
Andrew Acton
2018-12-22 19:23 返信先: Automatic ARTIST / ALBUM ARTIST value from the upper DIRECTORY NAME – Possible? #4944Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings Tiki,
I have downloaded and tested the 4.8.0 (beta) release and I can report 100% success!
Many thanks for making this change, I believe many TuneBrowser users will highly appreciate this new option, it means after ‘ripping’ there theoretically no need to manually update any metadata.
I attach a screen shot showing your hard work. 🙂
Please enjoy the coming holiday season and Happy New Year!
Cheers, Andrew Acton
2018-12-03 00:46 返信先: Automatic ARTIST / ALBUM ARTIST value from the upper DIRECTORY NAME – Possible? #4784Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki,
“Or is it one of them (ARTIST or ALBUM ARTIST) ?” A: ARTIST Only.
I 100% agree with your recommendation: “I am considering to set it into an ARTIST only”.
Thus, if the ARTIST is currently NOT defined (i.e. ‘Unknown’) this new TB setting will:
“Use the parent directory name as the ARTIST name.”
This will be a great improvement!
2018-12-02 22:37 返信先: Automatic ARTIST / ALBUM ARTIST value from the upper DIRECTORY NAME – Possible? #4782Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki,
Thank you for your quick answer to my question.
With this new feature “Use parent directory as ARTIST / ALBUM ARTIST”… TuneBrowser will be further enhanced and become almost 100% free from ‘manual’ tag editing.
I look forward to a future release that may have this new feature. 🙂
Many thanks,
Andrew Acton
Andrew ACTON参加者Greetings,
I also had the Export/Import problem with complex text. I was using MS Offce (2013) and LibreOffice and both were unable to save in .CSV format that was acceptable to TuneBrowser.
However I was able bypass this limitation using a text editor:
(1) Export the data from TuneBrowser (.CSV format)
(2) Open the .CSV file in a text editor (I used Notepad++)
(3) Change the data requiring correction and save the file.
(4) Import the data into TuneBrowser. It works 🙂
The export function of TuneBrowser is extremely useful for locating data and fixing any errors, I use it to cross check all my metadata.
Andrew Acton
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Apologies, it seems HTML was generated (last post) 🙁
Thanks to your instructions I added the toggle on/off for the spectrum display to “F7”, so easy 🙂
I choose F7 for no special reason. I was just avoiding the typical Function keys like F1 for “Help” and F5 for refresh (although its strictly speaking application dependent).
Thanks again,
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Perfect! I added the “Toggle On/Off Spectrum Display” according to your instruction. So easy 🙂
I choose “F7” for no special reason other than to avoid “Fn” keys that are normally used for other functions. E.g. “F1” is normally display “Help”, “F5” is often “Refresh” etc.
Now I am experimenting with the other ‘HotKey’ actions available.
Once again, thanks.
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Yes, thanks (I can read your text via Google translate).
From the (translated) comments… lowering 30 Hz from 50 Hz is possible.
Any chance we can have a function key “F7” or similar to toggle on/off the spectrum analyzer?
Thanks, Andrew
Andrew ACTON参加者Hello Tiki
This is a very good suggestion from Hiro.
Can we have:
1) 20Hz – 20kHz range as the new ‘default’ range for the spectrum display.
2) An ‘extended’ (user option/setting) that will extend the display to 16Hz – 32KHz
3) Finally, can we please a function key “F7” or similar to toggle the spectrum analyzer on/off. Sometimes it is interesting to check the spectrum display ‘instantly’ and then turn it back off.
Many thanks for TuneBrowser, using it everyday!
Andrew Acton
2018-05-01 01:23 返信先: Problem: Normal Sound Playback can be become distorted loading a WWW Page #2773Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki
Great news, your instructions fixed my problem.
I did some testing with the EXCL|SHR and EVNT|PUSH settings.
(1) Original Setting = EXCL and EVNT (problem detected – occasional distortion)
(2) Final Setting = EXCL and PUSH (working perfectly)
So switching from EVNT to PUSH was the fix in my case. I attach screen capture for reference:
So now I run with EXCL and PUSH (several hours listening with NO PROBLEM).
Thanks again … Andrew 🙂
Andrew ACTON参加者Hi Tiki,
Thank you for the quick reply… I shall stop looking at the preferences / options. 🙂
Maybe it can be considered an enhancement for a future release?
Ideally the ‘pop-up’ window could be scaled by the user and then that window size kept. The default size could be just as it works now.
Looking forward to future releases, although TuneBrowser is perfect for my needs today.
Regards, Andrew