

80件の投稿を表示中 - 201 - 280件目 (全280件中)
  • 投稿者
  • 返信先: Unknown crash #14187

    I tested the new version..

    looks like this problem is gone…



    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14183

    I installed and tested the BubbleUPnP Server.

    Installing BubbleUPnP Client on Android phone is working well with the SONY A7000 to do music playback.

    And I captured some packets to look at…

    Its operation behavior is almost no different from Foobar2000 and Sony Music Center




    XML content of SetAVTransportURI request:

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14181

    I captured the packets of Foobar2000 and Sony Music Center and did some comparisons.
    They have two behaviors before calling SetAVTransportURI request for UPnP as follows…
    AVTransport:1#Stop => ConnectionManager:1#GetProtocolInfo => [AVTransport:1#SetAVTransportURI]




    I looked up information about SONY’s operation of UPnP for devices on the internet:

    The AVTransport:1#Stop command ensures that SONY devices avoid SetAVTransportURI requests returning 500 errors

    I used Device Spy to do some testing, calling SetAVTransportURI on SONY devices never succeeded.
    It returned the same error message as TuneBrowser player.

    I’m not sure, because I didn’t spend time coding for UPnP testing (this obviously requires coding to test)…
    I just tested Foobar2000 and Sony Music Center, they both succeeded in playing music.
    PS: Also they both added “User-Agent” information in the header, I don’t think it has any effect

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14175

    Ok, I was wrong…

    still sending SetAVTransportURI request was reject by HT-A7000

    2023/09/03 00:42:52,531.742: T07c20: TL18: Set volume to device: 35
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,532.005: T07c20: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume] to []
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,753.826: T07c20: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume] finished.
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.012: T07c20: TL18: Playback starts from the top.
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.046: T07c20: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 0009 [PlayStatus]
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.068: T07c20: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 7061 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.109: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: Doing SetAVTransportURI: AVTType::CurrTune
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.137: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: MimeType is supported by device: audio/flac
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.148: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: This is not Subsong.
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.163: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: User param: ProxyStreamT::Auto
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.176: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: ProxyStream is not needed.
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.344: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: File : [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活」2nd Season 後期EDテーマ「Believe in you」/nonoc\01. Believe in you.flac]
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.357: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: URL : []
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.381: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.392: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <item>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.403: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:04:39.333" bitrate="1778377" bitsPerSample="24" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="48000"></res>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.415: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:title>Believe in you</dc:title>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.428: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:date>2021</dc:date>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.445: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:creator>nonoc</dc:creator>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.457: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:album>Believe in you</upnp:album>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.467: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:genre>Anime</upnp:genre>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.476: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist>nonoc</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.488: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>1</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.498: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.510: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.525: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </item>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,754.535: T07c20: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </DIDL-Lite>
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,755.009: T07c20: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI] to []
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,757.552: T08034: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 0009 [PlayStatus]
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,768.617: T08034: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7061 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,824.545: T07c20: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI] was failed.
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,824.552: T07c20: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request received error: [500][Internal Server Error]
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,824.624: T07c20: TL18: Error: [SetAVTransportURI]: Device did not accept current tune by SetAVTransportURI: []
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,824.647: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: ResubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/09/03 00:42:52,824.653: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: UnsubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,867.666: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: End Subscriber.
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,867.684: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: Begin Subscriber.
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,868.260: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: SubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,897.291: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: ResubscribeAllEvent done.
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,927.975: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: SyncActive: No
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,927.984: T07c20: TL18: PlayImpl: Post Play.
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,928.217: T07c20: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play] to []
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,993.603: T07c20: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play] was failed.
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,993.636: T07c20: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request received error: [500][Internal Server Error]
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,993.847: T07c20: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 0009 [PlayStatus]
    2023/09/03 00:42:57,993.872: T07c20: TL18: Error: Playback device error.
    Message: Playback device error.
    Version: 1702
    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14174

    I think the possible problem is that when A7000 is in a state of being used as a WASAPI/ASIO device by Windows system…
    It may be difficult to directly invoke SetAVTransportURI to set the music to play…
    You may encounter the problem of the request being rejected (500Error)
    Because I tried to install SONY Music Center and try to capture the packet content to check
    The result is that it will only prompt

    The selected device is busy.
    Mask sure other PCs or devices are not playing for this device

    The weird thing is, I use foobar2000 and can make A7000 automatically switch to N.NET to play music
    This is what I don’t understand…

    I use Device Spy to send SetAVTransportURI requests to DENON or iFi other devices and they can get working well.
    Only SONY’s A7000 can’t successfully execute playback

    I made some comparisons based on the packet content(XML) of SetAVTransportURI, but I really can’t see any difference…
    Maybe there may need to be some prompt messages for this kind of similar case…
    For example, the prompt message I provided earlier

    The selected device is busy.
    Mask sure other PCs or devices are not playing for this device.

    This is my thought.


    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14169

    Hello, Tiki

    I checked the XML content of your SetAVTransportURI request using the UPnP protocol.

    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10076: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10078: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <item>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10080: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/mp3:*" duration="0:01:18.080" bitrate="293000" bitsPerSample="0" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100"></res>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10082: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:title>Fanfare</dc:title>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10084: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:date>2016</dc:date>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10086: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:creator>Sympathy Special Orchestra</dc:creator>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10088: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:album>『PSO』シリーズ15周年記念コンサート「シンパシー2015」ライブメモリアルアルバム</upnp:album>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10090: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:genre>Game</upnp:genre>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10092: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist>Sympathy Special Orchestra</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10094: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>1</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10096: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10098: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10100: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </item>
    2023/09/02 18:23:40,464: UL10102: T08a94: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </DIDL-Lite>

    I suspect that the SONY device rejected your request.

    This may be a compatibility issue with the XML content you sent to the SONY device…

    As a result, this caused a 500 Error on the A7000.

    For testing purposes, the following XML content is successfully working with A7000:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Envelope s:encodingStyle="" xmlns:s="">
    <u:SetAVTransportURI xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1">
    <CurrentURIMetaData />

    I think further research is needed on the compatibility issue


    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14168

    Hello, Tiki

    encountered an unknown crash..

    sent a dump file to you…


    返信先: Unknown crash #14162

    Sometimes switching to another device will cause a crash..

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14159


    2023/09/02 09:24:03,672: UL01844: T0572c: TL18: Current tune: [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]5th Album「V」/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]\02.FAKEit( feat.Laco).flac:0]
    2023/09/02 09:24:03,673: UL01846: T0572c: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 7008 [Update]
    2023/09/02 09:24:03,673: UL01848: T0572c: TL18: Current tune adjusted to sequence position 1.
    2023/09/02 09:24:03,673: UL01850: T0572c: TL18: Apply current seek value to player: 0.0
    2023/09/02 09:24:03,677: UL01860: T0572c: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7008 [Update]
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,300: UL01875: T0572c: TL18: Requesting player command: [Play]
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,301: UL01877: T0512c: TL18: Processing player command: [Play]
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,301: UL01879: T0512c: TL18: Proc: [Play]
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,301: UL01881: T0512c: TL18: Set volume to device: 35
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,301: UL01883: T0512c: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume] to []
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,424: UL01885: T0512c: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume] finished.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,424: UL01887: T0512c: TL18: Playback starts from the middle.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,424: UL01889: T0512c: TL18: Preparing fade.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,424: UL01891: T0512c: TL18: Fade out.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,424: UL01893: T0512c: TL18: Enter fade control.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,424: UL01895: T0512c: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 7009 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,427: UL01897: T0572c: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7009 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01899: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: Doing SetAVTransportURI: AVTType::CurrTune
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01901: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: MimeType is supported by device: audio/flac
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01903: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: This is not Subsong.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01905: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: User param: ProxyStreamT::Auto
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01907: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: CheckProxyStream: ProxyStream is not needed.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01909: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: File : [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]5th Album「V」/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]\02.FAKEit( feat.Laco).flac]
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01911: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: URL : []
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01913: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01915: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <item>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01917: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:02:54.118" bitrate="3436038" bitsPerSample="24" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="96000"></res>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01919: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:title>FAKEit( feat.Laco)</dc:title>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01921: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:creator>SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]</dc:creator>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01923: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalDiscNumber>01</upnp:originalDiscNumber>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01925: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:album>V</upnp:album>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01927: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist>SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01929: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01931: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist role="Composer">澤野 弘之</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01933: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>2</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01935: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01937: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01939: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </item>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,466: UL01941: T0512c: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </DIDL-Lite>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,467: UL01943: T0512c: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI] to []
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,481: UL01944: T092e0: HTTP Server: [ :44480]: Socket accepted.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,485: UL01946: T070b0: HTTP Server: [ :44480]: Tune : 00016312.flac ->
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,485: UL01947: T070b0: HTTP Server: [ :44480]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]5th Album「V」/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]\02.FAKEit( feat.Laco).flac
    <strong>2023/09/02 09:24:05,549: UL01949: T0512c: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI] was failed.</strong>
    <strong>2023/09/02 09:24:05,549: UL01951: T0512c: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request received error: [500][Internal Server Error]</strong>
    <strong>2023/09/02 09:24:05,549: UL01953: T0512c: TL18: Error: [SetAVTransportURI]: Device did not accept current tune by SetAVTransportURI: []</strong>
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,549: UL01955: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: ResubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,549: UL01957: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: UnsubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,549: UL01958: T0512c: UnsubscribeEvent:
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,557: UL01959: T0512c: UnsubscribeEvent:
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,567: UL01960: T0512c: UnsubscribeEvent:
    2023/09/02 09:24:05,577: UL01962: T0512c: TL18: PlayImpl: End Subscriber.
    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14157

    Hi, Tiki

    something I don’t know unexpected state happened

    I have sent a dump file to you

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14156

    I looked at the packet content with the Wireshark
    There was no problem with RST packets like DENON devices
    I just see a 500 Internal Error error

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14155

    Thanks, Tiki…
    It looks like the crash problem has been solved
    But the strange thing is that A7000 did not automatically switch to [Home Network] “H.NET” service screen and start playing music as expected
    I tested Foobar2000, A7000 can switch to [Home Network] “H.NET” service and play music normally

    2023/09/02 08:09:16,579: UL10693: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:16,775: UL10695: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume] finished.
    2023/09/02 08:09:16,775: UL10697: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:16,838: UL10699: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo] finished.
    2023/09/02 08:09:16,839: UL10701: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:16,855: UL10703: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo] finished.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10705: T04028: TL18: PlayImpl: Detected timeout while waiting for event.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10707: T04028: TL18: PlayImpl: Preparing next tune by SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10709: T04028: TL18: PlayImpl: Next tune sequence position 1 -> 2.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10711: T04028: TL18: PlayImpl: This device is supporting SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10713: T04028: TL18: PlayImpl: Procedure has been done.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10715: T08338: TL18: [UPP_TransCThread]: Doing SetAVTransportURI: AVTType::NextTune
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10717: T04028: TL18: Fade in.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10719: T08338: TL18: [UPP_TransCThread]: CheckProxyStream: MimeType is supported by device: audio/flac
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10721: T08338: TL18: [UPP_TransCThread]: CheckProxyStream: This is not Subsong.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10723: T04028: TL18: Set volume to device: 35
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10725: T08338: TL18: [UPP_TransCThread]: CheckProxyStream: User param: ProxyStreamT::Auto
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10727: T08338: TL18: [UPP_TransCThread]: CheckProxyStream: ProxyStream is not needed.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,055: UL10729: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10731: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: File : [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]5th Album「V」/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]\03.LEMONADE( feat.XAI).flac]
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10733: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: URL : []
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10735: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10737: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <item>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10739: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:02:48.633" bitrate="3376337" bitsPerSample="24" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="96000"></res>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10741: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <dc:title>LEMONADE( feat.XAI)</dc:title>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10743: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <dc:creator>SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]</dc:creator>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10745: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalDiscNumber>01</upnp:originalDiscNumber>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10747: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:album>V</upnp:album>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10749: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist>SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10751: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10753: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist role="Composer">澤野 弘之</upnp:artist>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10755: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>3</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10757: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10759: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10761: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: </item>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,059: UL10763: T08338: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: </DIDL-Lite>
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,161: UL10765: T04028: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume] finished.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,161: UL10767: T08338: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetNextAVTransportURI] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,161: UL10769: T04028: TL18: Clear fade control.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,161: UL10771: T04028: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 7035 [Update]
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,167: UL10773: T05120: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7035 [Update]
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,186: UL10774: T00e30: HTTP Server: [ :37844]: Socket accepted.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,186: UL10775: T04334: HTTP Server: [ :37844]: Tune : 00016313.flac ->
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,186: UL10776: T04334: HTTP Server: [ :37844]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]5th Album「V」/SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]\03.LEMONADE( feat.XAI).flac
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,253: UL10778: T08338: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetNextAVTransportURI] was failed.
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,253: UL10780: T08338: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request received error: [500][Internal Server Error]
    2023/09/02 08:09:17,253: UL10782: T08338: TL18: Error: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: Device did not accept next tune by SetNextAVTransportURI: []
    2023/09/02 08:09:18,039: UL10784: T07ce8: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:18,164: UL10786: T07ce8: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume] finished.
    2023/09/02 08:09:18,165: UL10788: T07ce8: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:18,240: UL10790: T07ce8: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo] finished.
    2023/09/02 08:09:18,240: UL10792: T07ce8: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo] to []
    2023/09/02 08:09:18,258: UL10794: T07ce8: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo] finished.

    From the log content, it seems to have a similar “skip track issue” problem.
    The track I requested is not the track shown in the log content



    Hello, Tiki

    that’s my idea…

    Can you compile newer versions of the libdsdpcm and libdstdec components?

    I want to try if Creative ASIO can play DSD format files normally…

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14145


    dump file has been sent..

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14136

    Hello, Tiki

    I have sent a dump file to you…



    After a very long time..

    Here is the response with Creative support:

    Thank you for your patience with us.

    Regarding your inquiry, we have tested TuneBrowser 3.5.2 without any issues. Hence, it could be due to compatibility.

    I don’t know how did they get that very old version…

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14133

    Hello, Tiki

    I saw generated several dmp files by the system. I don’t know if it’s helpful to you.

    Because it usually needs to be used with WinDbg to assist in debugging your code.

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14131

    Hello, Tiki.

    Can I generate a dump file and send it to you in this state?

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14129

    Hello, Tiki

    Just now I tested v1697, no crash happened on the selected HT-A7000 device…

    It’s working…

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14126

    Ok, Tiki

    but how can I find these dumpfile(s)???

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14124

    Hello, Tiki

    How can I check the dumpfile if it’s existed???

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14121

    Hello, Tiki

    After checking my network environment again today and verifying my Synology Audio Station settings, I conducted another test.

    It seems that under the UPnP protocol, the HT-A7000 works well with Synology Audio Station.

    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:425
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:426 Control Complete from URL []
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:280 TrackDuration [0:00:00][0]
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:290 RelTime [0:00:00][0]
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:425
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:426 Control Complete from URL []
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:311 [HT-A7000] GetTransportInfoResponse [TransportState] = PLAYING
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:425
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:426 Control Complete from URL []
    2023-08-29T19:14:52+08:00 NAS1 synoaudiod[22511]: upnp.cpp:332 [HT-A7000] GetVolumeResponse [CurrentVolume] = 35

    This does not appear to be a bug with the HT-A7000.
    Both Foobar2000 and Synology Audio Station can successfully play music on the HT-A7000 device.
    I have confirmed this many times…

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14120

    I have a basic question. Which crashes, TuneBrowser or HT-A7000?

    Hello, Tiki

    it’s TuneBrowser crash

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14116

    I’m trying to use Device Spy to invoke this GetProductIInfo method…
    I don’t pass in any parameters, and the results will return the following supported audio formats:


    I’m not sure if there is some content that causes the exception to occur?

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14115

    Hello, Tiki..

    From the log provided by TuneBrowser, it seems that an unexpected program crash occurred during a SOAP request process.

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14114

    terrible Sony support as I expect

    No tech support via E-mail…

    live chat is sucks…
    US, Canada…Orz…

    I just contacted JP Sony support by E-mail

    I don’t expect a proper response at all, like Creative support…

    I’ve posted my question to AVSForum..

    返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue #14112

    I just tested it with foobar2000 and it’s interesting that it can successfully perform music playback.



    UPnP devices, receive volume information from the device.

    Other devices, volume starts with 0 dB. And the last volume is saved when TuneBrowser exits.


    thanks, Tiki


    If you want to continue the discussion about the HT-A7000, I am sorry, but could you please start a separate topic? If you do, I think it would be easier to get information from more users if you put the name of the device HT-A7000 in the topic title.



    Thanks, Tiki


    Hello, Tiki

    I tried to power off and restart the A7000, and although there are some differences in the content checked from Device Spy

    After SONY released the new firmware a few days ago, I performed the update operation…

    Two A7000 devices appeared in Device Spy…

    I have never seen this case before…

    Once I accidentally switch to the A7000 device, the program will crash.


    Hi, Tiki

    I think there should be no problem with the compatibility of Denon’s device…
    You can return it to DENON


    Are there others in a similar situation? > ALL

    no, it’s only for SONY HT-A7000 I had

    Is this related to the upnp structure of HT-A7000?(Device Spy)
    I’m not sure if there is something wrong with HT-A7000, maybe I might need to try rebooting it.


    Hello, Tiki
    It seems that I encountered this problem for the first time when I installed version 1699 in the afternoon…
    And then I didn’t see this again next time…
    How does TuneBrowser initialize the volume information??
    Is the device’s volume information history only temporarily saved while the program is running?


    Hello, Tiki

    Hello, Tiki I encountered a strange problem
    Sometimes when the TuneBrowser reads the SONY HT-A7000 UPnP device…

    It causes the program to crash and be forced to close…


    Hello, Tiki. Thank you very much.

    This is a useful feature.
    But there is a small issue.
    When TuneBrowser loads Denon device-related information for the first time, volume information is loaded.
    However, at this point, other devices do not have any previously saved volume information.
    If you switch from the Denon device to another device, such as a WASAPI device, the current volume information will retain the previous Denon device’s information.
    Is it possible to assign an initial value to the audio volume setting when switching devices if no previously saved volume information is read, such as 100%?
    Then try to read the volume information of that device.
    If no relevant information is read, use the default initial value?

    PS: In addition, the customized MIME settings you provided are very useful. It’s really great!


    Hello, Tiki
    I have been testing the DLNA function of TuneBrowser for a long time in the past week…
    This is not just limited to Denon devices, but also includes other brands of devices…
    For example, the ifi Zen Stream network streaming device, which can get good sound quality at a mid-low price
    I also wanted to test the SONY SRS-5000…
    But the product function is really poor, so I quickly drop it. This makes me miss the old SONY SRS-X99…

    There are many ways to test, such as:
    1. Play songs randomly
    2. Switch to another song randomly in the middle of playing a song
    3. Crazy click the Stop button (in the old version, clicking the Stop button would interestingly help you play the next song)
    4. Force close the program while playing music, and observe whether another song can be played normally after reopening
    5. Wait patiently for all the songs in an album with more songs to finish playing
    6. Switch to another device forcibly while playing a song, such as a DLNA device or an ASIO/WASAPI device
    Anyway, no matter what, I did a long time of testing…
    I think the current DLNA function is stable, except for some occasional minor problems…
    For example, when the source device does not support the requested music format, this will cause TuneBrowser to perform re-encoding operations…
    Sometimes, TuneBrowser just happens to be stuck in this operation stage, and then there is no action…
    Then randomly click other songs to play, TuneBrowser seems to be stuck in the whole operation…
    At this time I just have to close it and reopen it, and then return to normal…
    I don’t know why? I didn’t check its packets either, because I think it’s hard to find any clues…

    I think re-encoding this operation can be improved?
    Or even provide Resampler options for users to choose…
    Actually, my ideal(or dream?) is that can be offloaded by GPGPU, but I think this may bring some challenges to developer…
    Because I am also a developer, but I am engaged in web development and some ERP or supply chain system development…
    I have seen some SDK documents of GPGPU, but because the domain are too different.
    Can’t understand the whole usage…
    When I see products like HQ player that have similar functions, I am very envious…
    (But HQ player is a product that I think is troublesome to set up)

    Also, before playing music through DLNA devices, can’t you cache the music files to RAM first if RAMDecode/RAMDisk was enabled, and then perform DLNA-related HTTP protocol communication operations?

    Anyway, no matter what, so far. TuneBrowser can work well in most cases except for some minor problems I mentioned above…
    This is not only limited to DENON devices but also includes some other brands of devices that I have tested…
    I can’t guarantee 100% that all DLNA devices can work well in TuneBrowser…
    At least my feedback to you is much better than previous versions…
    I hope other users can provide feedback, not just my test
    PS: In the end, I still don’t know how Synology Audio Station allows DENON devices to correctly identify DSD music files as DSD sources without any re-encoding operations XD


    Tiki, this is my idea.

    With the constant changes of the times, the rise of streaming media.

    I think TuneBrowser should make some changes to support these features.



    if I press the Pause button while the music is playing, and then pressing Play button will cause the music to start playback from the beginning.


    playback info:

    – Creative Sound Blaster ASIO
    – PlayStatus::Stop
    – 2.822MHz | 1bit | 176.4kHz | 32/32bit
    – [ASIO ] | [INT:L]
    – [1768 ] | [—- ]
    – :BITP : | :RG : | :MAX : | :MONO : | :L<>R :
    – :REP : | :RAND : | :RSMP : | :VST3 : | [RAM:X]
    – :EMPH : | :HDCD : | :DMIX :


    Hi, Tiki

    an error message will be thrown after setting “Support DoP” as “false”

    2023/08/11 18:28:54,624.207: T0890c: TL19: Playback starts from the top.
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,624.218: T0890c: TL19: Post PlayerNotify: 7043 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,624.529: T0142c: TL19: Proc PlayerNotify: 7043 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,647.495: T0890c: TL19: Opening tune 0 [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,647.931: T0890c: TL19: Calculating RAMDecode size…
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,647.946: T0890c: TL19: MaxCache:2048 MB, MaxPhysMem:16014 MB – CurPhysMem:840 MB -> Limit:2048 MB (Contents: 1024 MB).
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,680.873: T0890c: TL19: Total RAMDecode size 2290 MB exceeded limit 2048 MB.
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,680.884: T0890c: TL19: RAMDecode mode goes to [Single]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,680.889: T0890c: TL19: RAMDecode mode switched from [Single] to [None] because of DSD.
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,680.900: T0890c: TL19: Post PlayerNotify: 7044 [SpecUpdate]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,681.100: T0890c: TL19: Creating decoder for file [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,681.108: T0890c: TL19: Device and PCM converter are not supporting DSD.
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,681.112: T0890c: TL19: File: \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,681.121: T0890c: TL19: Error: Creating decoder failed for file [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,681.162: T0890c: TL19: Error: Decoder failed.
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,681.212: T0890c: TL19: Post PlayerNotify: 7045 [SpecUpdate]
    2023/08/11 18:28:54,683.945: T0890c: TL19: Error: Cannot decode file: \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff
    Message: Cannot decode file: \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff
    Version: 1696

    Log View:

    2023/08/11 18:31:39,428: UL03266: T0890c: TL19: Opening tune 0 [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff]
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,429: UL03267: T0890c: TL19: RAMDecode mode stays on [None]
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,429: UL03268: T0890c: TL19: Creating decoder for file [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff]
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,429: UL03269: T0890c: TL19: Device and PCM converter are not supporting DSD.
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,429: UL03270: T0890c: TL19: File: \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,429: UL03271: T0890c: TL19: Error: Creating decoder failed for file [\\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff]
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,429: UL03272: T0890c: TL19: Error: Decoder failed.
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,429: UL03273: T0890c: TL19: Post PlayerNotify: 7049 [SpecUpdate]
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,433: UL03274: T0890c: TL19: Error: Cannot decode file: \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,433: UL03276: T0890c: TL19: Post PlayerNotify: 7050 [PlaybackEnd]
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,438: UL03277: T0142c: TL19: Proc PlayerNotify: 7049 [SpecUpdate]
    2023/08/11 18:31:39,443: UL03278: T0142c: TL19: Proc PlayerNotify: 7050 [PlaybackEnd]


    playback info:

    – Creative Sound Blaster ASIO
    – PlayStatus::Playing
    – 2.822MHz | 1bit | 176.4kHz | 32/32bit
    – [ASIO ] | [DoP:L]
    – [1768 ] | [—- ]
    – :BITP : | :RG : | :MAX : | :MONO : | :L<>R :
    – :REP : | :RAND : | :RSMP : | :VST3 : | <RAM:X>
    – :EMPH : | :HDCD : | :DMIX :


    It seems that there is no special information…



    I have contacted Creative Support with E-mail and waiting for reply..

    due to driver quality with this company

    however, I don’t expect they will give me a good solution…


    it’s possible that the visualization effects will appear when playing for a while??


    hello, Tiki

    Are there others in a similar situation? >


    I’ve tested some higher-end DACs

    definitely they all good working…


    with Creative ASIO driver, background noise issue only occurs in playing DSD


    foobar2000 log:

    new service_impl_t<autoproxy_output_v5>(device = “ASIO : Creative Sound Blaster ASIO”, buffer_length = 1.000s, dither = false, bitdepth = 16)
    autoproxy_output_v3::get_forced_sample_rate() => 0
    autoproxy_output_v5::get_forced_channel_mask() => 0x00000000
    autoproxy_output_v3::get_injected_dsps() => 0
    autoproxy_output::volume_adjust(samplerate = 0, latency = 0.000, volume = 0.000)
    autoproxy_output::check_dsd_stream(true) => DSD stream contains 0 chunks and 0 samples
    autoproxy_output_v3::get_forced_sample_rate() => 0
    Opening track for playback: “\\nas1\music\[Hi-Res]うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 & 二人の白皇 歌集\1. ヌエドリ.dff” / index: 1
    autoproxy_output::check_dsd_stream(true) => DSD stream contains 3 chunks and 14112 samples
    autoproxy_output::process_samples() => Switch to DSD playback
    autoproxy_output::process_samples() => Input stream [channels: 2, samplerate: 2822400, channel_config: 0x00000003]
    autoproxy_output::process_samples() => Output stream [channels: 2, samplerate: 2822400, channel_config: 0x00000003]
    autoproxy_output::process_samples(channels = 2, sample_rate = 2822400, channel_config = 0x00000003)
    autoproxy_output::volume_adjust(samplerate = 2822400, latency = 0.000, volume = 0.000)
    autoproxy_output::check_dsd_stream(false) => DSD stream contains 4 chunks and 18816 samples]

    it’s working well…





    Hi, Tiki

    May I ask if the output encoding format is fixed(44.1K/24b) after re-encoding operation occurs?

    (DSD to PCM: Auto)



    hello, tiki
    First of all, thank you very much for your help…
    I tested a few songs a little bit.
    The “skip issue” seems to have gone away
    But I noticed that the DSD format file will be re-encoded before sending it to uPnP renderer
    May I ask what is the reason for doing so?
    I’ll keep testing for a while and report back…


    that’s great!  Tiki

    very thanks for your information…


    I have raised a ticket on Denon Tech support to make an inquiry about “skip track issue” using the UPnP renderer.

    I don’t expect them to give me a good response, but I still have hope(maybe…:(..)

    and I uploaded an upnp log for Synology Audio Station(if you can receive it)…

    this file named “audiolog” is a compression file..

    You can unzip this file with any unzip software to check how that works.

    Although, I don’t see any particular difference….Orz


    Hi, Tiki


    I don’t know what information to provide for you.
    Is it possible to observe how it works from the diag log of Synology Audio Station?
    I can provide this log.
    Because it’s really good at UPnP support.


    Hello, Tiki…

    Have you tested Audiophile UPnP Renderer(v2.3)?

    I’m not sure…

    but it seems like it has the same problem…

    I’ll retest it again later


    “It seems the TuneBrowser is working well. Currently I can’t find the difference.”

    the HEOS app controls TuneBrowser is solid working for playback operations.

    but HEOS UI is not friendly

    so currently I only use this app for testing purposes.


    The new version you provided seems to improve the stability of music playback on UPnP devices compared to the previous version.

    But still encounter some problems(always generate temp flac).

    1. encountered “skip” issue as before with single-track albums mostly

    2. I know it’s difficult. The timeline information is often lost during music playback.

    3. there is still a chance to encounter the “skip” issue

    of course! If I set “Always” to “NotFixed/Auto” to avoid temporary flac.
    it’s going to make things worse

    I googled the relevant information.

    There is a lot of information about the “skip” issue encountered on the UPnP device.

    It’s not easy to keep devices compatible and get solid working.

    Of course, I don’t know why Synology Audio Station works very stably.


    Sent a dumpfile to you, Tiki


    I sent you a dumpfile..
    I use HEOS app provided by DENON…
    and use this app to control TuneBrowser to play some music and generate dumpfile..
    then my idea is that you can check how the DENON device works..

    maybe it’s useful for you or not…


    I’ll be testing the new version you provided later.


    hello, Tiki

    I make TuneBrowser as Server and use the HEOS app provided by Denon to control it and play music.

    So I create dumpfile from TuneBrowser and send it to you

    my idea is that you can check how the DENON device works.

    Is this useful for you if I do that?


    These screenshots are the service’s schema

    I don’t know if these pics can help you?!


    “Is it recognized by the renderer as FLAC type ?”

    YES, 44.1KHz/24b


    I keep clicking on the same song repeatedly, and it triggers a device error message.

    2023/07/09 14:12:01,015.642: T03308: TL18: Set volume to device: 40
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,016.102: T03308: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,016.357: T07b90: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 0015 [PlayStatus]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,025.117: T07b90: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 0015 [Stopped]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,026.903: T07b90: TL18: PLTTrace released(G): PLTIdx:15
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.440: T03308: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetVolume] was completed.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.521: T03308: TL18: Playback starts from the top.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.531: T03308: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 0015 [PlayStatus]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.539: T03308: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 7113 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.656: T03308: TL18: MimeType is supported by device: audio/flac
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.661: T03308: TL18: This is not Subsong.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.740: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: File : [\\NAS1\music\SLAYERS MEGUMIXXX/林原めぐみ\1.01. two thumbs up!.flac]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.744: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: URL : []
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.755: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp=”urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/” xmlns:dc=”; xmlns:dlna=”urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/” xmlns=”urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/”>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.759: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <item>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.763: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <res protocolInfo=”http-get:*:audio/flac:*” duration=”0:03:35.440″ bitrate=”1063960″ bitsPerSample=”16″ nrAudioChannels=”2″ sampleFrequency=”44100″></res&gt;
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.767: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:title>DISC1:two thumbs up!</dc:title>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.770: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:date>2020</dc:date>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.773: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:creator>林原めぐみ</dc:creator>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.775: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:publisher>KING RECORDS</dc:publisher>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.778: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:album>スレイヤーズ MEGUMIXXX</upnp:album>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.783: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist>林原めぐみ</upnp:artist>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.785: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist role=”AlbumArtist”>林原めぐみ</upnp:artist>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.788: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>01</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.791: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI&gt;
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.794: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.797: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </item>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.801: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: </DIDL-Lite>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,031.987: T03308: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,037.380: T07b90: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7110 [Update]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,043.079: T07b90: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7111 [PlaybackEnd]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,050.156: T07b90: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7112 [Update]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,055.352: T07b90: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 0015 [PlayStatus]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.132: T03308: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI] was completed.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.195: T03308: TL18: [SetAVTransportURI]: Device accepted current tune by SetAVTransportURI: []
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.205: T03308: TL18: Preparing next tune by SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.210: T03308: TL18: Next tune sequence position 0 -> 1.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.218: T03308: TL18: This device is supporting SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.231: T03308: TL18: ResubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.234: T03308: TL18: UnsubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.258: T07ab4: TL18: [UPP_TransCThread]: MimeType is supported by device: audio/flac
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.262: T07ab4: TL18: [UPP_TransCThread]: This is not Subsong.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.365: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: File : [\\NAS1\music\SLAYERS MEGUMIXXX/林原めぐみ\1.02. Get along ~SelfTag Version~.flac]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.369: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: URL : []
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.379: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp=”urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/” xmlns:dc=”; xmlns:dlna=”urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/” xmlns=”urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/”>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.382: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <item>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.386: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <res protocolInfo=”http-get:*:audio/flac:*” duration=”0:04:08.827″ bitrate=”1099986″ bitsPerSample=”16″ nrAudioChannels=”2″ sampleFrequency=”44100″></res&gt;
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.389: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <dc:title>DISC1:Get along ~SelfTag Version~</dc:title>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.392: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <dc:date>2020</dc:date>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.395: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <dc:creator>林原めぐみ</dc:creator>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.400: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <dc:publisher>KING RECORDS</dc:publisher>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.404: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:album>スレイヤーズ MEGUMIXXX</upnp:album>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.407: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist>林原めぐみ</upnp:artist>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.410: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist role=”AlbumArtist”>林原めぐみ</upnp:artist>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.413: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>02</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.417: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI&gt;
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.420: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.423: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: </item>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.425: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: </DIDL-Lite>
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,056.608: T07ab4: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetNextAVTransportURI]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,061.441: T07b90: TL18: Proc PlayerNotify: 7113 [PlaybackBegin]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,068.126: T07ab4: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetNextAVTransportURI] was completed.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,068.174: T07ab4: TL18: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: Device accepted next tune by SetNextAVTransportURI: []
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,085.467: T03308: TL18: End Subscriber.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,085.483: T03308: TL18: Begin Subscriber.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,086.000: T03308: TL18: SubscribeAllEvent.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,107.222: T03308: TL18: ResubscribeAllEvent done.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,137.076: T03308: TL18: SyncActive: No
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,137.811: T03308: TL18: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,138.959: T03308: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play] was failed.
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,138.978: T03308: TL18: Error: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request detected error: [ 3][TFXFWSocketDisconnected]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,139.171: T03308: TL18: Post PlayerNotify: 0015 [PlayStatus]
    2023/07/09 14:12:01,139.682: T03308: TL18: Error: Playback device error.
    Message: Playback device error.
    Version: 1690

    Then after a few clicks, that song can be successfully played…XD



    well, tested a music DSD file(dff)

    looks like it’s re-encoded…


    Hello, Tiki

    “temp flac is normal flac file.”
    so, temp flac is already re-encoded?? right?

    for example:

    input: DSD file(dff) => output: re-encoded temp flac

    Will this cause the external UPnP renderer not to recognize the original format?

    because the output format is re-encoded format


    Denon Tech support is too bad…

    I sent a mail, and they just give me a useless reply..

    “Thank you. We understand and will try to give your precious feedback to our design software team.”

    no further response


    Is temp flac for compatibility?
    If yes, maybe there is a UPnP compatibility issue due to the lack of a temp flac?

    temp flac is raw format?


    no temp flac file generated, but music is playback successfully:

    temp flac:

    so strange…


    I have a question…

    a temp flac file will be generated if music is playback successfully.

    so, it’s normal???


    hello, Tiki

    sometimes, if I switch from one album to another to play music.

    that music will be successfully played.

    no weird socket disconnection issue happened.

    should I send a dumpfile to you?


    Hello, Tiki

    Unfortunately, the problem has not been resolved..:(

    sent a dumpfile to you…



    I have to say, Synology Audio Station works quite stably in the part of operating UPnP renderer.

    But it’s not good music player software.

    It lacks many features, such as Music Library.

    so i don’t use it at all


    Hello, Tiki

    1. You are using other application, and it is working well with DENON.

    I tested Audio Station from Synology NAS, it’s good working with DENON but JRiver not

    it’s not good luck using JRiver, it can not recognize DENON Home speaker

    maybe it has something to do with the nested structure.

    2. You are using other device (like HT-A7000), and it is working well with TuneBrowser.

    for HT-A7000, it’s special

    I tested it with Synology Audio Station…

    if I play some music, HT-A7000 will automatically switch to the H.NET channel and start its Music service.

    as I mentioned above, I guess it does do that after receiving something command.

    but it’s not luck using TuneBrowser, it can not do that as I mentioned previously, and failed to playback music.

    UL06507: 2023/07/02 11:11:06,697: T08fb8: HTTP Server: [ :53716]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」最終章のOPテーマ「僕の戦争」/神聖かまってちゃん\01-僕の戦争.flac
    UL06537: 2023/07/02 11:11:06,777: T00c84: HTTP Server: [ :53718]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」最終章のOPテーマ「僕の戦争」/神聖かまってちゃん\02-僕の戦争(Instrumental).flac
    UL06545: 2023/07/02 11:11:06,792: T011e0: Cannot connect to server : 80

    Testing TuneBrowser with this device(HT-A7000) is very difficult.

    Also, I tested the Audiophile UPnP Renderer with TuneBrowser. It encountered the same problem as the DENON device.

    so, mmnn… I don’t think this problem is only for DENON.

    > – CASE “Audiophile UPnP Renderer”:

    UPnP log:


    Only the combination of DENON and TuneBrowser is causing this matter. Is it right ?

    In short, NO…XD


    Sent a dumpfile to you, Tiki


    hi, Tiki

    I’m not sure. But I used WireShark to capture some packets and saw something strange.

    UPnP Log:

    TuneBrowser Client:

    Denon( sends many ACK packets and doesn’t seem to get a response from Tunebrowser client.
    The last sent [RST, ACK] packet indicates that this is an abnormal situation.


    I tested single-track album, but it couldn’t be played successfully.

    UL03312: 2023/07/01 20:36:46,602: T064d0: HTTP Server: [ :55649]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~」OP2テーマ「目覚めの唄」/大原ゆい子\01. 目覚めの唄.flac
    UL03316: 2023/07/01 20:36:46,811: T064d0: HTTP Server: [ :55649]: Socket disconnected. Sent 1048576 bytes.


    ok, Tiki..

    but why can I encounter “jump to next track” problem???


    In addition, I don’t know if this is normal in using UPnP renderer..

    1. sometimes progress bar is not working

    2. Peakmeter spectrum is not rendered in player view


    so fast


    I’ve done some tests.

    It seems that for the case of nested structure, it seems to get working normally.

    But I found something strange.

    1. After launching the software, I found that sometimes the top and bottom views do not match.


    2. sometimes, when I play a certain song with the UPnP renderer, it will automatically skip to the next one for playback.

    > – CASE 1

    UL01624: 2023/07/01 16:07:44,089: T04d48: HTTP Server: [ :52719]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\TVアニメ「彼女が公爵邸に行った理由」EDテーマ「Always and Forever」/SERRA\01. Always and Forever.flac
    UL01625: 2023/07/01 16:07:44,090: T04d48: HTTP Server: [ :52719]: Begin monitoring playback.
    UL01634: 2023/07/01 16:07:44,342: T04d48: HTTP Server: [ :52719]: Socket disconnected. Sent 1048576 bytes.
    UL01635: 2023/07/01 16:07:44,354: T04bf8: HTTP Server: [ :52723]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\TVアニメ「彼女が公爵邸に行った理由」EDテーマ「Always and Forever」/SERRA\02. 恍惚のメメント.flac
    UL01636: 2023/07/01 16:07:44,355: T04bf8: HTTP Server: [ :52723]: Begin monitoring playback.

    > – CASE 2

    UL02066: 2023/07/01 16:08:54,300: T06760: –> :50424 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1
    UL02074: 2023/07/01 16:09:00,312: T04bf8: HTTP Server: [ :52723]: Sent 11534336 bytes.
    UL02085: 2023/07/01 16:09:03,286: T04bf8: HTTP Server: [ :52723]: Socket disconnected. Sent 11534336 bytes.
    UL02195: 2023/07/01 16:09:10,713: T04d48: HTTP Server: [ :52751]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and FINAL FANTASY VII Vinyl\A1. The Prelude.flac
    UL02196: 2023/07/01 16:09:10,733: T04d48: HTTP Server: [ :52751]: Begin monitoring playback.
    UL02207: 2023/07/01 16:09:10,957: T04d48: HTTP Server: [ :52751]: Socket disconnected. Sent 1048576 bytes.
    UL02209: 2023/07/01 16:09:10,971: T04bf8: HTTP Server: [ :52753]: Tune : \\NAS1\music\[Hi-Res]FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and FINAL FANTASY VII Vinyl\A2. Tifa’s Theme.flac
    UL02212: 2023/07/01 16:09:10,991: T04bf8: HTTP Server: [ :52753]: Begin monitoring playback.

    In addition, I specially installed Audiophile UPnP Renderer to do some tests for non-nested structure. It seems to get working normally.


    thanks, Tiki…

    also, I’ve reported this compatibility issue to Denon and asked them to improve it
    Although I don’t think they will take my opinion…

    var/packages/MediaServer/var/log/dms.log                                                            0000660 0000001 0000023 00000625712 14447660053 017360  0                                                                                                    ustar   system                          log                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2023-07-01T06:57:05+08:00 NAS1 dms[28926]: mediaserver.cpp:445 OPT_DMS_LOGLEVEL: 3
    2023-07-01T06:57:05+08:00 NAS1 dms[28926]: mediaserver.cpp:873 MediaServer bind to
    2023-07-01T06:57:05+08:00 NAS1 dms[28926]: mediaserver.cpp:876 MediaServer device desc:

    hello, Tiki

    I have sent Dump File to you…

    also, I have tested the Audio Station from Synology NAS, it can play music very well.
    But it’s not good music software, and I would not want to use it

    I attached a UPnP log generated from Synology NAS


    UPnP Log:

    UL00043: 2023/07/01 00:07:04,176: T06f80: TL03: Using default DIDLTag definitions.
    UL00044: 2023/07/01 00:07:04,176: T06f80: DIDLTag definitions:
    UL00045: 2023/07/01 00:07:04,176: T06f80: - dc:creator



    hi, Tiki

    I have turned off the firewall, but TuneBrowser still can’t find the Denon device…



    Hello, Tiki..

    I found the problem.

    it’s caused by a shit ASUS Sonic Mixer Utility.

    that crap will seriously interfere with “ANY” sound devices…

    not only like I say: “Realtek USB Audio Driver(ALC4050)”

    so I uninstalled it…

    this problem is gone…



    “If you are using Folder Tree node at the Tree View, please see this comment by using Translate.”

    yes, I’m using Folder tree.

    did you make something changes in the Folder tree settings???

    if that’s true, WHY??

    I gave a try to change some settings in order to keep as the same as the old version.

    1. add “%_FILEFOLDER%”


    now view style keeps the same as the old version.


    In different versions, there is no change in any settings.

    latest version:


    How can I keep the view style the same as the old version?


    I gave a try for your providing version..

    Looks like the issue I encountered has been fixed….

    thanks for your help…


    “Did you modify view style in 4.17 ?”


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