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  • 返信先: new view component “GroupView”? #16303


    I didn’t quite understand the difference between Album View and Group View.

    but what you mentioned “Group View shows the group (album) selected in Album View” gave me a very helpful hint.

    I’ll try adjusting the layout and see how it works with Group View.

    Thank you!



    Thank you for your explanation regarding the actual format being Wave or Raw PCM in ProxyStream.

    I think –

    some Linux-based audio renderer systems use MediaInfo or libmediainfo to parse track metadata in their Web UI.

    When the file has a non-standard extension like .flac_WPRX, MediaInfo detects it as a valid FLAC internally, but still flags the extension as invalid (FileExtension_Invalid).

    Because of this, the Web interface, which depends on MediaInfo, may fail to parse the file or even hang.

    Thanks again for your attention and thoughtful response!


    Hi, Tiki

    I found another issue.

    When I set “ProxyStream Indicator Reporting Source” to “HttpRequest,” I noticed a consistent behavior that applies to all UPnP Renderers:

    1. Open TuneBrowser.

    2. Play any track (DST) for the first time—GUI correctly displays information obtained from the indicators.

    3. Play another track (DST) for the second time—GUI still correctly displays information obtained from the indicators.

    4. Starting from the third playback onward, no matter which track (DST) is played, the indicators fail to retrieve information, and the GUI is not notified to update the information.

    If you have some free time, I would greatly appreciate it if you could help confirm and investigate this issue.

    Thank you for your support!


    Hello, Tiki,

    I’ve resolved the issue myself.

    I adjusted the Sample Rate Limit based on the transcoding value length from the UPnP logs.

    Please feel free to close this topic.

    Thank you!


    “You know, UPnP playback schema consists of three parts: Controler, Media Server, and Renderer. These are independent of each other. I think it is not a good idea to design the Controler part with the basic concept that only TuneBrowser exists in your network.”

    Understood. 🙂

    Kindly, I wanted to ask a quick question:
    Do you rely on something NOTIFY, like NOTIFY#AVTransportURIMetaData, notification sent by the device to determine whether it is considered “ready”?

    Similar responses, but different results:


    2024/12/02 18:55:54,227: UL43993: T0204c: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,227: UL43995: T0204c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL43997: T0204c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL43999: T0204c: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI: (...)
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL44001: T0204c: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="http:/ (...)
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL44003: T0204c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: DIDL/res: []
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL44005: T0204c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - protocolInfo:[http-get:*:audio/wav:*] duration:[0:04:38.147] bitsPerSample:[24]
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL44007: T0204c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - sampleFrequency:[88200] nrAudioChannels:[2] ProxyStreamT:[WavProxy]
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL44009: T0204c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New URI found: []
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,259: UL44011: T0204c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Track: [Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from "La traviata"]
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,260: UL44013: T0204c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: ProxyStream mark found in URI: [ProxyStreamT:WavProxy] (WPRX)
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,260: UL44015: T0204c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Notifying to GUI by Metadata: ProxyStream [WavProxy] SampleRate: 88200 BitDepth: 24
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,260: UL44017: T03810: UPnP_P: [UPP_MetaUPThread]: MyURI: Yes []
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,260: UL44019: T03810: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: []
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,260: UL44021: T03810: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,260: UL44023: T03810: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: Mine:Yes Managed:Yes Recorded:Yes Local file: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\01 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from La traviata.dff]
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,260: UL44025: T07c94: UPnP_P: Notified on GUI: ProxyStream [WavProxy] SampleRate: 88200 BitDepth: 24
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,261: UL44027: T07c94: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 444692 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,261: UL44029: T07c94: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 444692 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,269: UL44031: T07c94: UPnP_P: [PlayerView]: Set Freq indicator: [ 88.2kHz*] By ProxyStream
    2024/12/02 18:55:54,269: UL44033: T07c94: UPnP_P: [PlayerView]: Set BitD indicator: [24bit*] By ProxyStream


    [Holo-Audio RED]

    2024/12/02 19:00:58,469: UL02037: T07060: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,469: UL02039: T07060: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,477: UL02041: T09a88: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 000001 [Start]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02043: T07060: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02045: T07060: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> RelTime: 0:00:00
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02047: T07060: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:00 -> 0.0 / 278.1 sec
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02049: T07060: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI: (...)
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02051: T07060: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="http:/ (...)
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02053: T07060: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: DIDL/res: []
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02055: T07060: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - protocolInfo:[http-get:*:audio/wav:*] duration:[0:04:38.147] bitsPerSample:[24]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02057: T07060: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - sampleFrequency:[88200] nrAudioChannels:[2] ProxyStreamT:[WavProxy]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02059: T07060: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New URI found: [;BitDepth=24&amp;SampleRate=88200]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02061: T07060: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Track: [Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from "La traviata"]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02063: T07060: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: ProxyStream mark found in URI: [ProxyStreamT:WavProxy] (WPRX)
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02065: T08850: UPnP_P: [UPP_MetaUPThread]: MyURI: Yes [;BitDepth=24&amp;SampleRate=88200]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,479: UL02067: T08850: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: [;BitDepth=24&amp;SampleRate=88200]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,480: UL02069: T08850: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,480: UL02071: T08850: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: Mine:Yes Managed:Yes Recorded:Yes Local file: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\01 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from La traviata.dff]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,482: UL02073: T09a88: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 000001 [Started]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,497: UL02077: T09a88: UPnP_P: Notified on GUI: ProxyStream [WavProxy] SampleRate: 0 BitDepth: 0
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,497: UL02079: T09a88: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 444414 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,498: UL02081: T09a88: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 444414 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,506: UL02083: T09a88: UPnP_P: [PlayerView]: Set Freq indicator: [-----kHz] By ProxyStream
    2024/12/02 19:00:58,506: UL02085: T09a88: UPnP_P: [PlayerView]: Set BitD indicator: [--/--bit] By ProxyStream

    Thank you so much for your time and clarification!


    Hello Tiki,

    I’m sorry to bother you again with this, but I wanted to share some additional findings and thoughts regarding the GUI behavior.

    After consulting with the device manufacturer, they mentioned that this issue might be related to the complexity of internal buffering control in UPnP, which they consider challenging—especially for tasks like handling Seek commands.

    Additionally, they explained that it’s difficult to ensure the control point knows exactly when the player is “ready.”

    Network environment complexity could also add uncertainty, and they acknowledged that addressing such issues might not be a priority currently.

    Their suggestion was to avoid relying on Player feedback for GUI updates after on-the-fly transcoding occurs.

    Since this behavior is initiated by the Control Point, they recommended having the Control Point proactively update the GUI information instead.

    This might require some consideration on your end or not, and the above feedback is just for reference.

    I’ve tested several UPnP devices. Some devices, such as WiiM, display the information correctly, while others—particularly those based on upmpdcli, such as Holo Audio, iFi-audio, and Audiolab—do not show the information as expected.

    If there’s a possibility to improve it in the future, I’d greatly appreciate it.

    In the meantime, I’ve suggested to my some friends (who also use the TuneBrowser and encountered this GUI display issue) to set “Disable ProxyStream indicator” to “YES” as a solution.

    Lastly, one of my friends has asked if it’s possible anyway to change the ProxyStream samplerate display in the GUI from a single click to a double-click action?

    Occasionally, when switching devices, they accidentally click it.

    If you don’t need to keep this topic open, you can close it.

    Thank you again for all your work on improving UPnP support. 🙂



    Hello, Tiki

    Sorry to bother you,

    I think I understand your explanation maybe.

    I realize my thoughts might be a bit simplified.

    When the ProxyStream (e.g., WavProxy) process is triggered, I guess the internal indicators would be initialized, and the GUI would be notified to update the relevant information.

    The Player should only be aware of the information provided through SetAVTransportURI (e.g., the URI and protocolInfo).

    This decoupling is between the Control Point and the Player.

    Based on complex network environments, like multiple switches in the path or an internal firewall (e.g., deep packet inspection), could introduce delays. These delays might cause wired UPnP devices, including the Renderer, to respond slower than expected.
    In such cases, the Control Point might misinterpret this as the Player not being ready.

    Maybe my understanding does not match with your design.

    Specifically, I noticed the following behavior:
    1. Before playback, the Control Point’s GUI correctly displays information related to the ProxyStream (e.g., SampleRate and BitDepth).
    2. Then, shortly after, there’s a brief flicker, and this information disappears.

    Thank you so much for your continuous improvements to the UPnP implementation.



    I understand.

    If you have some free time in the future, I’d appreciate it if you could consider improving it.

    Thank you!

    返信先: CUSHEET issue #15789


    Please close this ticket…

    I re-updated the database for this album.

    And, then the issue is gone.

    Sorry to bother you


    Hi, Tiki

    “Metadata” is based on metadata received by the controller part of TuneBrowser.

    “HttpRequest” is based on URL params received by the media server part of TuneBrowser.

    Anyway, as previously discussed, this info is experimental and useless to you. Sorry.

    I got it!

    Thanks for the clarification


    Hello, Tiki

    Thanks for your explanation.

    Here are some questions:

    1. The “ProxyStream Indicator Reporting Source” appears after setting “Disable ProxyStream Indicator” to “Yes” (default). Is this a conflict?

    2. Is “ProxyStream Indicator Reporting Source” an upcoming feature for a future release?

    Thank you


    Hello, Tiki,
    I confirmed that the UI issue has improved.
    Thank you

    返信先: Ifi ZEN Streamer #15641


    If you use TuneBrowser as the UPnP (ohNet) Server, you only need to enable the OpenHome and UPnP Renderer features in TuneBrowser.

    For the iFi ZEN Stream, the default settings of TuneBrowser in UPnP Renderer are already optimized.



    Hello, Tiki

    I’ve been testing for a few hours now, and it looks like the random message pop-up is not showing up anymore.


    and, a simple question

    Does the term “Connet timeout” mean “Connection timeout”?

    If so, I think “Connection timeout” is the better term.

    返信先: Pause and Play issue for UPnP #15624

    Hello, Tiki

    This behavior issue is getting improved.





    seems like the seekbar flickering is gone on my test.


    test env:

    GPU: nVIDIA RTX4070S

    Monitor 1: SONY X90K@120Hz,10b, freesync

    Monitor 2: ASUS ProArt PA328CGV@165Hz,10b, freesync


    Hello, Tiki

    Thanks for your explanation..

    I thought that when the screen displayed the “WPRX” string, it would also provide the new Sample Rate and Bit-depth information on the UI with the same thread.

    I’ve been continuously analyzing these logs to identify any differences because the WiiM streamer always shows the correct information, but other streamers sometimes leave the information blank.

    This led me to suspect that there might be some differences in the UPnP logs.

    It’s very difficult to observe this through Wireshark.

    Based on what you said, the issue might be related to how different threads are executed.

    Perhaps this additional feature should be disabled as you said.


    返信先: About DIDL-Lite metadata suggestion #15612

    Hi, Tiki

    I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    I have never complained about anything with this software.

    TuneBrowser is currently one of the best software in terms of UPnP support.

    And I have continuously recommended this software to other users.

    Since TuneBrowser started supporting UPnP, I’ve always been very grateful for the improvements you’ve made to its UPnP functionality.

    This is one of the very few music software on Windows that provides excellent UPnP support.

    I truly hope you won’t give up on supporting UPnP.

    I have always respected the developer’s suggestions.

    If you can, please close this topic.

    and, apologize again for any trouble caused.


    返信先: About DIDL-Lite metadata suggestion #15606

    Hi, Tiki

    If possible, please don’t stop supporting UPnP.( Please, Orz)

    It’s just a suggestion.

    After all, your development of the CAS Player is one of the few that provides excellent UPnP support.

    Currently, it’s quite difficult to find CAS players on Windows OS with good UPnP support.

    Please Orz

    Thank you

    返信先: About DIDL-Lite metadata suggestion #15604

    Hi, Tiki

    I asked my friend, and this is his opinion (though he’s not particularly focused on UPnP in audio development).

    Generally, DIDL-Lite metadata is unlikely to pose a security risk for the intranet.

    The security concerns are usually related to the UPnP Renderer (IoT), such as when the URI in the returned DIDL-Lite metadata is tampered with, for example: CVE-2020-12695.

    However, this kind of mechanism serves other purposes:
    1. Consistency: Ensuring that parts of the CreatedMetaData and ReceivedMetaData are consistent.
    2. Compatibility: At the very least, it helps to identify whether the renderer is returning inconsistent DIDL metadata.
    3. Reliability: Checking specific required metadata attributes against the original metadata can improve reliability.
    4. Transparency: It helps to determine whether there’s a compatibility issue with the renderer (since some brands of UPnP Renderers don’t respect UPnP and return incorrect DIDL metadata).

    Cases include:
    1. Early WiiM firmware: Incorrect metadata returned (wrong DIDL metadata format).
    2. ifi-audio streamer: The inconsistent metadata I mentioned previously.
    3. Yamaha device (R-N803D): Wrong URI.

    If the check fails, it could trigger a pop-up message with some information.

    This is just a suggestion for your reference.

    Thank you

    返信先: About DIDL-Lite metadata suggestion #15602

    Hello, Tiki

    The UPnP Renderer is a very useful feature, and I do not recommend discontinuing its support.

    DIDL-lite metadata compliance check do not involve any particularly complex information.

    They are simply used to ensure that the content of the DIDL metadata passed through SetAVTransportURI or SetAVNextTransportURI matches the DIDL metadata retrieved from the UPnP Renderer (e.g., GetPositionInfoResponse or GetMediaInfoResponse).

    If the DIDL-Lite metadata compliance check fails, an error message pop-up will be displayed on the UI and stop the music playback.



    Hi, Tiki

    could you help me check the log?



    Additionally, I want to clarify that sometimes the information display works correctly, but other times it doesn’t.




    “It is difficult to understand this behavior from the log because sevral threads are involved. Please understand.”

    I see.

    If it’s difficult to confirm from the log, then this might be a bit tricky.

    At the moment, aside from the WiiM streamer, which cannot reproduce this issue, the other UPnP streamers I have might encounter this.

    Although, it’s just that the information doesn’t display properly.


    Hi, Tiki

    “This item means that “Queues the selected track for the next playback”.”

    It’s a little bit confusing for me because this ‘Play Next’ makes me think it’s used to play the next track.

    Anyway, thanks for your explanation…


    My Test devices:

    ifi-audio Zen Stream,
    Denon Home Speaker,
    HoloAudio Red Streamer,
    WiiM Pro Plus

    PS: it’s very hard to reproduce this issue in the WiiM Pro Plus streamer.


    Hi, Tiki

    How to confirm this issue from the log?



    Hi, Tiki

    If the log isn’t checked, seeing an error message pop-up in the UI might cause some misunderstanding, since the device might eventually connect successfully.

    Therefore, I think the error message pop-up should be suppressed in the UI unless the device completely fails to connect.


    返信先: How to keep new UI layout? #15580

    Hi, Tiki

    You’re right.

    This issue is related to the operating system, but the exact cause is unclear.

    I found a solution:

    After pressing the Windows key and using the direction keys (up/down/left/right) to move the window around a few times, then restoring it to its original position, the next time you open the program, it will retain the previous layout.



    Hi, Tiki,

    Sorry, I may not have explained clearly enough.

    2024/10/05 17:09:09,164: UL13826: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Phase 1.
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13828: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] 2: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13830: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13832: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:87f1e18e-7e24-b992-8383-d83adde83eaf::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13834: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Location:
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13836: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Name : Red_10.1.1.97-UPnP/AV
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13838: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Model : UpMPD
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13840: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,664: UL13842: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] QuerySOAP: Getting ProtocolInfo.
    2024/10/05 17:09:09,665: UL13844: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,677: UL13868: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: Cannot connect to server: :49152
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,677: UL13870: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] was failed.
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,677: UL13872: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request detected error: [ 4] (TFXFWTimeout)
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,678: UL13874: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] GetProtocolInfo failed.
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13877: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] 3: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13879: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13881: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:87f1e18e-7e24-b992-8383-d83adde83eaf::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13883: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Location:
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13885: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Name : Red_10.1.1.97-UPnP/AV
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13887: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Model : UpMPD
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13889: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,778: UL13891: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] QuerySOAP: Getting ProtocolInfo.
    2024/10/05 17:09:12,779: UL13893: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,794: UL13895: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: Cannot connect to server: :49152
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,794: UL13897: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] was failed.
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,794: UL13899: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request detected error: [ 4] (TFXFWTimeout)
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,794: UL13901: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] GetProtocolInfo failed.
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13903: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] 4: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13905: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13907: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:87f1e18e-7e24-b992-8383-d83adde83eaf::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13909: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Location:
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13911: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Name : Red_10.1.1.97-UPnP/AV
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13913: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Model : UpMPD
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13915: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,894: UL13917: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] QuerySOAP: Getting ProtocolInfo.
    2024/10/05 17:09:15,895: UL13919: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/10/05 17:09:18,905: UL13922: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: Cannot connect to server: :49152
    2024/10/05 17:09:18,905: UL13924: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] was failed.
    2024/10/05 17:09:18,905: UL13926: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request detected error: [ 4] (TFXFWTimeout)
    2024/10/05 17:09:18,906: UL13928: T0b7b8: Error: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] GetProtocolInfo failed.
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13930: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] 5: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13932: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13934: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:87f1e18e-7e24-b992-8383-d83adde83eaf::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13936: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Location:
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13938: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Name : Red_10.1.1.97-UPnP/AV
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13940: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Model : UpMPD
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13942: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,006: UL13944: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] QuerySOAP: Getting ProtocolInfo.
    2024/10/05 17:09:19,010: UL13946: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/10/05 17:09:22,544: UL13951: T0b7b8: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] finished.

    From the log, it looks very similar to a retry operation.

    However, my key point is that unless the connection completely fails,

    I think the following error message should not appear, as it might cause confusion…



    Well, I’m not sure

    maybe it seems to be a classic flickering issue from Windows I guess.

    I’m not sure if it is easy to solve or can be suppressed.

    Intentional testing method:

    Step 0: Please set the refresh rate of your main monitor to over 60Hz, for example, 120Hz.

    Step 1: If you have more than one GPU, force the app to use the high-performance GPU in the app settings.

    Step 2: Open TuneBrowser.

    Step 3: Play any track.

    While playing, wait for about 10 seconds. You might see the timebar flickering issue.

    If the problem still doesn’t appear, move your mouse to the timebar around on the Player View and click a few times randomly to test if the issue occurs.


    Hi, Tiki

    Thanks for your explanation..

    I’ve expanded my testing with other music players.

    Foobar2000 and Synology Audio Station both have the same issue.

    For the ifi UPnP renderer device, inconsistent metadata should be a bug.

    However, interestingly, to keep compatibility with certain brands, they’ve added support for the OpenHome UPnP API.

    Since the ifi UPnP renderer natively retains OpenHome API support.

    I’ve noticed that Foobar2000 and Synology Audio Station prioritize calling the OpenHome UPnP API, so they are not affected by the inconsistent metadata bug.

    I will continue communicating with ifi-audio tech support, hoping to resolve this very basic error.



    Hi, Tiki

    here is the difference the timebar function is still working in v5.5.3, even if the DIDL metadata is inconsistent.

    as you said above, if the handling of duration logic has not changed in v5.6.0, that timebar function should be working the same as with the previous version.

    but in fact this is not the case.

    also, that’s a question maybe you changed something for timebar function?



    “I think the handling of duration has not changed between versions.”


    If that is the case, even if the DIDL metadata format obtained from the renderer is incorrect.

    I don’t know exactly why the total track length retrieved by the UI timebar function in version v5.5.3 is working well.


    Hi, Tiki

    “As I have already said, a lot has changed in 5.6.0 to make it work.”

    I see..

    it’s my guess.

    In the previous version ,is the total track length retrieved by the UI timebar obtained from the TrackDuration value in GetPositionInfo or the MediaDuration value in GetMediaInfo ?

    Starting from v5.6.0, does it completely use DIDL metadata?


    Hi, Tiki

    I monitored the UPnP renderer (ifi-audio) using the UPnP development tool and found that the same issue exists in v5.6.0 as well.
    It seems that the previous version didn’t fully rely on DIDL metadata.

    Could something have changed in v5.6.0?


    Origin: OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPSession [53760061]
    Time: 10/1/2024 9:19:27 PM
    NOTIFY /48e75bf1-ed45-6dbf-cc31-cadaebbf02e7/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport HTTP/1.1
    NT: upnp:event
    NTS: upnp:propchange
    SID: uuid:65ae5b78-7ff7-11ef-a2b0-c7d69a21891a
    SEQ: 22
    CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    Content-Length: 3826
    <e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
    <Event xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/AVT_RCS">
    <InstanceID val="0">
    <CurrentTrackURI val=""/>
    <TransportState val="PLAYING"/>
    <CurrentMediaDuration val="0:01:09"/>
    <CurrentTrackMetaData val="<?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=&quot;; xmlns:upnp=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/&quot; xmlns=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/&quot; xmlns:dlna=&quot;urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/&quot;><item restricted=&quot;1&quot;><orig>mpd</orig><dc:title>絶望を司りし時</dc:title><upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class><dc:creator>西木康智</dc:creator><upnp:artist>西木康智</upnp:artist><upnp:album>OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2</upnp:album><upnp:originalTrackNumber>03</upnp:originalTrackNumber><res duration=&quot;0:00:00&quot; sampleFrequency=&quot;44100&quot; nrAudioChannels=&quot;2&quot; protocolInfo=&quot;http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000&quot;></res></item></DIDL-Lite>"/>
    <CurrentTransportActions val="Next,Previous,Pause,Stop,Seek"/>
    <AVTransportURI val=""/>
    <AbsoluteTimePosition val="0:00:01"/>
    <CurrentTrackDuration val="0:01:09"/>
    <RelativeTimePosition val="0:00:01"/>
    <AVTransportURIMetaData val="<?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=&quot;; xmlns:upnp=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/&quot; xmlns=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/&quot; xmlns:dlna=&quot;urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/&quot;><item restricted=&quot;1&quot;><orig>mpd</orig><dc:title>絶望を司りし時</dc:title><upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class><dc:creator>西木康智</dc:creator><upnp:artist>西木康智</upnp:artist><upnp:album>OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2</upnp:album><upnp:originalTrackNumber>03</upnp:originalTrackNumber><res duration=&quot;0:00:00&quot; sampleFrequency=&quot;44100&quot; nrAudioChannels=&quot;2&quot; protocolInfo=&quot;http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000&quot;></res></item></DIDL-Lite>"/>
    <NextAVTransportURI val=""/>
    <PlaybackStorageMedium val="HDD"/>

    possible solutions:

    1. Increase Delay: Adding a delay between SetAVTransportURI and GetPositionInfo requests to ensure the Renderer’s internal state is fully updated.

    2. Retry Mechanism: Implementing a retry mechanism to re-fetch metadata if the initial retrieval returns incorrect data.

    maybe it wouldn’t accidentally retrieve old incorrect data from the buffer/cache.


    Hi, Tiki

    Here is ifi-audio response

    Thank you for getting in touch regarding your ZEN Stream. I don’t know exactly why this would occur, unfortunately.  It could be that the metadata containing the current position is temporarily stored in the buffer/cache when it is called for and other times it is not stored at all, then when it is called upon it retrieves the old info which is wrong. I do not know, unfortunately, however, your testing is clear and you have given us some great information so that I can pass this straight on to our development team.

    it seems the metadata inconsistency from the upnp renderer might be due to the metadata being temporarily stored in the buffer/cache, leading to retrieval of old or incorrect information during GetPositionInfo calls.


    Here is the GPT4o reply I ask..

    When the SetAVTransportURI command is sent, the Renderer may need some time to complete the internal state updates. If the GetPositionInfo request is made before this process is fully completed, the DIDL data retrieved may be incomplete or incorrect.

    Adding a delay between sending the SetAVTransportURI command and making the GetPositionInfo request might help. For example, adding a delay of about 500 milliseconds to 1 second to ensure that the state change is fully processed.



    Hi, Tiki

    I have re-checked the UPnP log step by step, and I think the difference is here.

    [v5.6.0]-“void” issue

    2024/09/30 19:32:28,111: UL17933: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] finished.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,111: UL17935: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change in 10000 ms.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,631: UL17937: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Device event was not detected. SyncActive turns to on.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,632: UL17939: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting volume from device.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,632: UL17941: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] to: []
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,637: UL17943: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] finished.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,637: UL17945: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> Volume: 100
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,637: UL17947: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting TransportInfo from device.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,637: UL17949: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17951: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17953: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TransportStatus: OK
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17955: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TransportState: PLAYING
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17957: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerUPnP UPState changed [STOPPED ] to [PLAYING ]
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17959: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerUPnP PLStatus changed [PlayStatus::Stop ] to [PlayStatus::Playing ]
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17961: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerStatus: Playing
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17963: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PLTTrace assigned: 05
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17965: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Post PlayerNotify: 000005 [Start]
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17967: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Post PlayerNotify: 000005 [Started]
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17969: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: State : PLAYING
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17971: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,666: UL17973: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17975: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17977: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> RelTime: 0:00:00
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17979: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:00 -> 0.0 / 0.0 sec
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17981: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI:
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17983: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17985: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: DIDL/res: []
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17987: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - duration:[0:00:00] nrAudioChannels:[2] sampleFrequency:[44100] protocolInfo:[http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000]
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,697: UL17989: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New URI found: []
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,698: UL17991: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: UseExDecd mark is pending.
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,698: UL17993: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Track: [辺獄の深淵]
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,698: UL17995: T03810: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: UseExDecd mark not found in URI: [DecodeEx:Normal] (FILE)
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,698: UL17997: T049e0: UPnP_P: [UPP_MetaUPThread]: MyURI: Yes []
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,698: UL17999: T049e0: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: []
    2024/09/30 19:32:28,698: UL18001: T049e0: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.


    2024/09/30 19:34:16,988: UL18829: T03810: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] finished.
    2024/09/30 19:34:16,988: UL18831: T03810: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change in 10000 ms.
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18833: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: DIDL/res: []
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18835: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - protocolInfo:[http-get:*:audio/flac:*] duration:[0:03:25.822] bitsPerSample:[16]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18837: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - bitrate:[881753] sampleFrequency:[44100] nrAudioChannels:[2] DecodeEx:[Normal]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18839: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Metadata was updated on URI: []
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18841: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: -- ReceivedMetadata -- {
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18843: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18845: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <item>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18847: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:03:25.822" bitrate="881753" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100" DecodeEx="Normal"></res>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18849: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <dc:title>辺獄の深淵</dc:title>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18851: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <dc:date>2023</dc:date>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18853: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <dc:creator>西木康智</dc:creator>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18855: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <dc:publisher>SQUARE ENIX MUSIC</dc:publisher>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18857: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <upnp:album>OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2</upnp:album>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18859: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <upnp:genre>Soundtrack</upnp:genre>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18861: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <upnp:artist>西木康智</upnp:artist>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18863: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>02</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18865: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18867: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18869: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: </item>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18871: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: </DIDL-Lite>
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18873: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: } -- ReceivedMetadata --
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,374: UL18875: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [X_CONTEXT_TYPE ]: [Music]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18877: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [X_ENCODER_TYPE ]: [FLAC]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18879: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [GENRE ]: [Soundtrack]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18881: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [X_BITS ]: [16]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18883: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Upd tag: [X_DURATION ]:
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18885: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Old: [0.000]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18887: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New: [205.822]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18889: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [DATE ]: [2023]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18891: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [X_BITRATE ]: [881753]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18893: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [ORGANIZATION ]: [SQUARE ENIX MUSIC]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18895: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New tag: [X_IMAGEFILE ]: [ (...)]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18897: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Updated metadata found.
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,377: UL18899: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: UseExDecd mark is pending.
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,378: UL18901: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Track: [辺獄の深淵]
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,378: UL18903: T04978: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: UseExDecd mark not found in URI: [DecodeEx:Normal] (FILE)
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,378: UL18905: T049e0: UPnP_P: [UPP_MetaUPThread]: MyURI: Yes []
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,378: UL18907: T049e0: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: []
    2024/09/30 19:34:17,378: UL18909: T049e0: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.

    [v5.5.3]- no details

    2024/09/30 19:35:35,105: UL01748: T05384: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] to: []
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,136: UL01749: T044d4: HTTPServer: [ :41926]: Socket accepted.
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,137: UL01750: T08684: HTTPServer: [ :41926]: Processing [GET] /TuneID/00013977-RFHF825DADC.flac
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,137: UL01751: T08684: HTTPServer: [ :41926]: Tune: 00013977-RFHF825DADC.flac ->
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,137: UL01752: T08684: HTTPServer: [ :41926]: \\\music\OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2\DISC 3\Track_02.flac
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,137: UL01754: T08684: HTTPServer: [ :41926]: Begin monitoring playback.
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,137: UL01756: T06f64: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 7005 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,138: UL01758: T06f64: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 7005 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,146: UL01760: T05384: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] finished.
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,146: UL01762: T05384: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Post PlayerNotify: 7006 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,146: UL01764: T05384: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Player is UnderControl.
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,146: UL01766: T05384: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Post PlayerNotify: 7007 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,146: UL01768: T05384: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change in 10000 ms.
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,147: UL01770: T06f64: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 7006 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,154: UL01772: T06f64: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 7007 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,167: UL01773: T04510: --> :29500 EVENT /SR_AVTransport.notify: uuid:15abc318-7f20-11ef-8099-935d6bcf76b6
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01775: T04510: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01777: T04510: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [TransportState ] : [PLAYING]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01779: T04510: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerUPnP UPState changed [STOPPED ] to [PLAYING ]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01781: T04510: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerUPnP PLStatus changed [PlayStatus::Stop ] to [PlayStatus::Playing ]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01783: T04510: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerStatus: Playing
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01785: T04510: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PLTTrace assigned: 01
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01787: T04510: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Post PlayerNotify: 0001 [Start]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01789: T04510: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Post PlayerNotify: 0001 [Started]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01791: T04510: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: State : PLAYING
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,171: UL01793: T04510: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackMetaData ] : [<DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="http:/ (...)]
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,176: UL01795: T05384: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: State change detected.
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,176: UL01797: T05384: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change has done in 30 ms.
    2024/09/30 19:35:35,176: UL01799: T05384: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change before seek in 10000 ms.

    From checking these UPnP logs, I think the problem is still likely that the metadata obtained through SUBSCRIBE Event or GetPositionInfo is inconsistent with the original metadata sent during the SetAVTransportURI call.

    Wireshark can at best capture and analyze the packets, but I don’t know exactly what behaviors occur during these processes.

    However, there’s only so much I can do.



    I have reached out to IFI Audio support to inquire about the issues with the UPnP about returning inconsistent DIDL metadata.

    And, waiting for their response.

    But don’t expect their efficiency(SLOW).

    I’m continuing my investigation to understand what might be causing the inconsistent DIDL metadata. Orz



    in v.5.6.0, the following is a part of the uPnP process flow with “void” issue:

    tool: wireshark



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <s:Envelope s:encodingStyle="" xmlns:s="">
    <u:SetAVTransportURI xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1">
    <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/"
    <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:04:28.516" bitrate="642211"
    bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100"
    <dc:publisher>SQUARE ENIX MUSIC</dc:publisher>

    (GET /TuneID/00013987-RFH97B535E9.flac HTTP/1.1\r\n)
    (HTTP/1.1 200 OK)
    incorrectly received data

    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
    <u:GetPositionInfoResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=""
    <item restricted="1">
    <res duration="<strong>0:00:00</strong>" sampleFrequency="44100" nrAudioChannels="2"
    [audio src="" /]

    The normal received data format is here if no “void” issue occurs.

    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
    <u:GetPositionInfoResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1">
    <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    <res<strong> protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:04:28.516"</strong> bitrate="642211" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100" DecodeEx="Normal"></res>
    <dc:publisher>SQUARE ENIX MUSIC</dc:publisher>


    “I’m sorry, but I don’t remeber all. But as I said above, there are many changes. What I am interested in is whether or not there is a problem with the current TuneBrowser operation.”

    It’s possible.

    How did you get this information??

    call GetPositionInfo HTTP API?

    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07322: T06470: Subscriber: [Event]: Received UPnP EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07324: T06470: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackURI ] : [ (...)]
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07326: T06470: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackMetaData ] : [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)]
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07328: T06470: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: DIDL/res: []
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07330: T06470: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: - duration:[0:00:00] nrAudioChannels:[2] sampleFrequency:[44100] protocolInfo:[http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000]
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07332: T06470: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: New URI found: []
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07334: T06470: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: UseExDecd mark is pending.
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,286: UL07336: T06470: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Track: [Insonnia]
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,287: UL07338: T06470: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: UseExDecd mark found in URI: [DecodeEx:WavProxy] (WPRX)
    2024/09/29 23:44:17,287: UL07340: T06470: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Post PlayerNotify: 444478 [SpecUpdate]


    “In this case, it seems that your device is recognized flac as “audio/mpeg”. Wouldn’t this be a hint?”

    This issue seems to be related to the entire UPnP processing flow, which makes it difficult to pinpoint the problem.

    The following is normal metadata from NOTIFY(when the renderer is getting good work):

    Track: 1
    TrackDuration: 0:05:15
    TrackMetaData: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/wav:*" duration="0:05:14.547" bitsPerSample="24" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100" DecodeEx="WavProxy">;DecodeEx=WavProxy</res>
    <upnp:album>KOKIA - pieces</upnp:album>
    <upnp:genre>REM DISCID B10E380D_</upnp:genre>
    RelTime: 0:01:17
    AbsTime: 0:01:17
    RelCount: 0
    AbsCount: 0

    Did you make any changes to the whole UPnP process flow?

    I mean the communication between the Server and the Renderer.


    Hello, Tiki,
    It’s a bit difficult to check this issue.
    From my packet capture in Wireshark, I found that if the NOTIFY packets are sent later than expected, it might cause the MetaData retrieved by GetPositionInfo to be incorrect.
    Additionally, the content of the NOTIFY itself is also incorrect, as shown below:

    <e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">
    <Metadata><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><item restricted="1"><orig>mpd</orig><dc:title>Road to glory ï½for Dragon Nest White Versionï½</dc:title><upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class><dc:creator>KOKIA</dc:creator><upnp:artist>KOKIA</upnp:artist><upnp:album>KOKIA - pieces</upnp:album><upnp:originalTrackNumber>10</upnp:originalTrackNumber><res duration="0:00:00" sampleFrequency="44100" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000">;DecodeEx=WavProxy</res></item></DIDL-Lite></Metadata>

    However, I don’t see this issue in v5.5.3.
    It’s hard to determine the source of the issue! Orz


    Hi, Tiki

    “the answer to the first question below is that duration=”0:00:00″.I do not know why the device does so.”

    Yeap, that’s a problem.

    I’m not sure what you changed something behavior for this in v5.6.0.

    but in the previous version, there is no issue such as this by checking packets using the sniffer tool.

    the renderer device is working well.

    in v5.6.0, there may be something wrong I don’t know.

    another error(will trigger the renderer crash)

    2024/09/29 17:00:34,882.800: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: RelTimeEvent: No
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,882.810: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: SyncActive: No
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,882.820: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Post [Play]
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,882.832: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: CommandSOAP: AVTransport:Play
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,883.278: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,916.126: T04818: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 444416 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,916.621: T04818: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 444416 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,926.750: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:34,926.855: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change in 10000 ms.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,446.687: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Device event was not detected. SyncActive turns to on.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,446.740: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting volume from device.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,447.074: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,450.802: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,450.973: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> Volume: 100
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,451.072: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting TransportInfo from device.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,451.935: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.191: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.310: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TransportStatus: OK
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.323: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TransportState: PLAYING
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.335: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerUPnP UPState changed [STOPPED ] to [PLAYING ]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.350: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerUPnP PLStatus changed [PlayStatus::Stop ] to [PlayStatus::Playing ]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.365: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerStatus: Playing
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.378: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PLTTrace assigned: 02
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.390: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Post PlayerNotify: 000002 [Start]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.400: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Post PlayerNotify: 000002 [Started]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.407: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: State : PLAYING
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.421: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,477.773: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,479.406: T04818: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 000002 [Start]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,486.609: T04818: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 000002 [Started]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.350: T09704: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.463: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> RelTime: 0:00:00
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.482: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:00 -> 0.0 / 217.5 sec
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.489: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI:
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.496: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.706: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: DIDL/res: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.712: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: - duration:[0:00:00] nrAudioChannels:[2] sampleFrequency:[44100] protocolInfo:[http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.732: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: New URI found: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.736: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: UseExDecd mark is pending.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,504.741: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: Track: [Insonnia]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,505.126: T09704: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <POL>: UseExDecd mark not found in URI: [DecodeEx:Normal] (FILE)
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,505.157: T09f00: UPnP_P: [UPP_MetaUPThread]: MyURI: Yes []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,505.326: T09f00: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,505.363: T09f00: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,505.373: T09f00: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: Mine:Yes Managed:Yes Recorded:Yes Local file: [\\\music\OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2\DISC 3\Track_02.flac]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.521: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: State change detected.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.541: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change has done in 639 ms.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.553: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: No seek is required.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.561: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Setting seek value to void.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.568: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Preparing next tune by SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.579: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Next tune sequence position 45 -> 46.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.591: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: [IFi] is supporting SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.610: T09704: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Procedure has been done.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.633: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: Doing SetAVTransportURI: AVTType::NextTune
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.648: T09704: UPnP_P: Fade in.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.660: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: Checking ProxyStream for file: [\\\music\OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2\DISC 3\Track_03.flac]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.666: T09704: UPnP_P: Clear fade control.
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.687: T09704: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 444417 [Update]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.695: T0222c: UPnP_P: CanApplyWPRX=No : WavProxyLimitedUse(Yes) && (DSD==No || Subsong==No || HiRes==No || CDDA==No ) || !WavProxyLimitedUse(Yes)
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.706: T0222c: UPnP_P: WavProxy_OK=No : UseWavProxy==UseExDecd::IfN && MIME_OK==Yes (audio/wav) && CanApplyWPRX(No )
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.717: T0222c: UPnP_P: AudioL16_OK=No : UseAudioL16==UseExDecd::IfN && MIME_OK==No (audio/L16)
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.726: T0222c: UPnP_P: WavProxy_Req=No : WavProxy_OK==No && (UseWavProxy(UseExDecd::IfN)==UseExDecd::IfP || Tag==No (USE_WAV_PROXY))
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.732: T0222c: UPnP_P: AudioL16_Req=No : AudioL16_OK==No && (UseAudioL16(UseExDecd::IfN)==UseExDecd::IfP || Tag==No (USE_AUDIO_L16))
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,565.744: T0222c: UPnP_P: ProxyStream=No : MIME_NG(No ) (audio/flac) || EncType_NG(No ) (FLAC) || Subsong(No ) || CDDA(No ) || WavProxy_Req(No ) || AudioL16_Req(No ) || ExceedSR(No ) || ExceedBit(No ) || GenToFixedDrive(No ) || UseProxyStream(Auto)==Always
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.308: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: File: [\\\music\OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2\DISC 3\Track_03.flac]
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.318: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: URI: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.323: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: -- CreatedMetadata -- {
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.334: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.340: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <item>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.345: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:01:08.638" bitrate="905107" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100" DecodeEx="Normal"></res>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.351: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <dc:title>絶望を司りし時</dc:title>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.355: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <dc:date>2023</dc:date>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.359: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <dc:creator>西木康智</dc:creator>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.364: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <dc:publisher>SQUARE ENIX MUSIC</dc:publisher>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.368: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <upnp:album>OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2</upnp:album>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.373: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <upnp:genre>Soundtrack</upnp:genre>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.378: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <upnp:artist>西木康智</upnp:artist>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.382: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>03</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.387: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.392: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.396: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: </item>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.401: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: </DIDL-Lite>
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.411: T0222c: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: } -- CreatedMetadata --
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.430: T0222c: UPnP_P: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: CommandSOAP: AVTransport:SetNextAVTransportURI
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,566.630: T0222c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetNextAVTransportURI ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:35,572.427: T04818: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 444417 [Update]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,178.752: T0222c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetNextAVTransportURI ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,178.862: T0222c: UPnP_P: [SetNextAVTransportURI]: [IFi] accepted next tune by SetNextAVTransportURI: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.003: T09834: Subscriber: [Event]: Device event is detected. SyncActive turns to off.
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.084: T09834: Subscriber: [Event]: Received UPnP EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.117: T09834: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackURI ] : []
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.125: T09834: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackMetaData ] : [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.299: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: DIDL/res: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.306: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: - duration:[0:00:00] nrAudioChannels:[2] sampleFrequency:[44100] protocolInfo:[http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.316: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Metadata was updated on URI: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.321: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: -- ReceivedMetadata -- {
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.338: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.344: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/">
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.349: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <item restricted="1">
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.352: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <orig>mpd</orig>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.356: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <dc:title>辺獄の深淵</dc:title>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.361: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.365: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <dc:creator>西木康智</dc:creator>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.368: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <upnp:artist>西木康智</upnp:artist>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.373: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <upnp:album>OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2</upnp:album>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.377: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>02</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.382: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: <res duration="0:00:00" sampleFrequency="44100" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000"></res>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.388: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: </item>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.393: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: </DIDL-Lite>
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.398: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: } -- ReceivedMetadata --
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.403: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Upd tag: [TITLE ]:
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.409: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Old: [Insonnia]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.413: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: New: [辺獄の深淵]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.419: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Upd tag: [ARTIST ]:
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.423: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Old: [KOKIA]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.427: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: New: [西木康智]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.431: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Upd tag: [ALBUM ]:
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.436: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Old: [KOKIA - pieces]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.442: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: New: [OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS (...)]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.450: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Updated metadata found.
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.454: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Track: [辺獄の深淵]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.729: T09f00: UPnP_P: [UPP_MetaUPThread]: MyURI: Yes []
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.741: T09834: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: UseExDecd mark not found in URI: [DecodeEx:Normal] (FILE)
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.754: T09834: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [TransportState ] : [PLAYING]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.869: T09f00: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.906: T09f00: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,236.915: T09f00: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: Mine:Yes Managed:Yes Recorded:Yes Local file: [\\\music\OCTOPATH TRAVELER - CHAMPIONS OF THE CONTINENT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK vol.2\DISC 3\Track_02.flac]
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,318.229: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,318.550: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,631.119: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,631.232: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> RelTime: 0:00:00
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,631.248: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:00 -> 0.0 / 0.0 sec
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,631.254: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI:
    2024/09/29 17:00:36,631.261: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,317.177: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,317.532: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,337.205: T093fc: Subscriber: [Event]: Received UPnP EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,337.230: T093fc: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [RelativeTimePosition ] : [0:00:01]
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,337.247: T093fc: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <EVT>: Elapsed: 0:00:01 -> 1.0 / 0.0 sec (Void)
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,348.749: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,348.890: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> RelTime: 0:00:01
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,348.910: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:01 -> 1.0 / 0.0 sec (Void)
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,348.918: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI:
    2024/09/29 17:00:37,348.924: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)
    2024/09/29 17:00:38,315.453: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/09/29 17:00:38,315.849: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:38,353.682: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:38,353.791: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> RelTime: 0:00:02
    2024/09/29 17:00:38,353.813: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:02 -> 2.0 / 0.0 sec (Void)
    2024/09/29 17:00:38,353.821: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI:
    2024/09/29 17:00:38,353.828: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)
    2024/09/29 17:00:39,313.938: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: Getting PositionInfo from device.
    2024/09/29 17:00:39,314.285: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:00:39,353.899: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/09/29 17:00:39,354.043: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> RelTime: 0:00:03
    2024/09/29 17:00:39,354.061: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:03 -> 3.0 / 0.0 sec (Void)
    2024/09/29 17:00:39,354.068: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackURI:
    2024/09/29 17:00:39,354.083: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: QuerySOAP: -> TrackMetaData: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=" (...)
    2024/09/29 17:00:40,314.035: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Polling SOAP log turns to off.
    2024/09/29 17:00:40,353.875: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:04 -> 4.0 / 0.0 sec (Void)
    2024/09/29 17:00:41,354.234: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:05 -> 5.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 5 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:00:46,339.559: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:10 -> 10.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 5 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:00:51,336.639: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:15 -> 15.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 5 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:00:56,332.467: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:20 -> 20.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 5 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:01:01,325.072: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:25 -> 25.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 5 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:01:06,325.639: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:30 -> 30.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:01:16,315.528: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:40 -> 40.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:01:26,302.414: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:50 -> 50.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:01:36,292.182: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:01:00 -> 60.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:01:46,287.018: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:01:10 -> 70.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:01:56,270.233: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:01:20 -> 80.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:02:06,260.853: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:01:30 -> 90.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:02:16,254.792: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:01:40 -> 100.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 10 seconds)
    2024/09/29 17:02:26,224.950: T02a4c: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: Cannot connect to server: :49153
    2024/09/29 17:02:26,224.970: T02a4c: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] was failed.
    2024/09/29 17:02:26,224.977: T02a4c: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request detected error: [ 4] (TFXFWTimeout)
    2024/09/29 17:02:26,225.065: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeAllEvent.
    2024/09/29 17:02:26,225.101: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,239.598: T02a4c: Error: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Cannot connect to server: :49153
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,239.716: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server seems dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,239.736: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,239.963: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,239.979: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.145: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.158: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.280: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.290: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.401: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.410: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.536: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.545: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.655: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.666: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.769: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.777: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.880: T02a4c: Subscriber: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Server deemed dead:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,240.906: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Phase 1.
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.005: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] 2: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.056: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.079: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:188a2caf-c6b7-7fa8-5a9f-cadaebbf02e7::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.094: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Location:
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.109: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Name : IFi
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.125: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - Model : iFi audio
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.143: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.156: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] QuerySOAP: Getting ProtocolInfo.
    2024/09/29 17:02:29,741.913: T02a4c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/09/29 17:02:32,758.807: T02a4c: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: Cannot connect to server: :49153
    2024/09/29 17:02:32,758.827: T02a4c: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] was failed.
    2024/09/29 17:02:32,758.836: T02a4c: Error: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request detected error: [ 4] (TFXFWTimeout)
    2024/09/29 17:02:32,758.884: T02a4c: Error: UPnP_P: [UPP_InitDevice1] GetProtocolInfo failed.
    Message: Error: Initializing player failed.
    Version: 1773

    If you need any information from me, please don’t hesitate to let me know.


    v5.6.0(without “void” issue)

    <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:03:25.822" bitrate="881753" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100" DecodeEx="Normal"></res>
    <dc:publisher>SQUARE ENIX MUSIC</dc:publisher>

    TrackMetaData from GetPositionInfoResponse differences??

    Tool: whireshark


    <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:*" duration="0:03:25.822" bitrate="881753" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="44100" DecodeEx="Normal"></res>
    <dc:publisher>SQUARE ENIX MUSIC</dc:publisher>


    v5.6.0(if the Void issue happened)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/">
    <item restricted="1">
    <res duration="0:00:00" sampleFrequency="44100" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000"></res>

    duration=”0:00:00″??? 0_0



    “I have added logs of received DIDL/res info in 1773.”

    Check log



    Hello, Tiki

    about this part, did you make any changes?

    I captured the packets using Wireshark, and I don’t see any differences.

    TuneBrowser is still using GetPositionInfo to retrieve information.



    “I have checked your attached log file. There is no duration info in log. Probably, the duration info that TuneBrowser can recognize did not come in.”

    I tested previous or earlier versions for a while.

    all are working well except v5.6.0



    test device: ifi zen stream

    there is no “void” issue in v5.5.3 or older…



    Hi, Tiki

    Here is the log(“void” happened) attached.

    you can check it!



    Hi, Tiki

    I found that this issue might be caused by the UPnP device.

    I may need to contact the manufacturer about this issue…

    However, what does the “(Void)” mean when it appears?

    “UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:00:15 -> 15.0 / 0.0 sec (Void) (per 5 seconds)”

    Once “(Void)” appears, the timebar’s progress functionality seems to start malfunctioning.



    Hello, Tiki

    My point is that the UPnP Status View and Dataflow View are not shown as selected in the docking window menu.

    You can notice that these two views do appear in the UI, but they are not selected in the menu.



    Hello, Tiki,
    This is quite a strange issue.

    After resetting the view settings, it seems that the previously selected Window Viewer can be saved.

    However, the selected items in the docking window menu do not match what is actually displayed on the screen.

    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15441

    Hello, Tiki

    Thank you for pointing that out.

    Could you suggest some example?

    Here is my suggestion

    Disable MIME Types => Excluded MIME Types

    Disable EncoderType => Excluded Encoding Types

    and, about description:

    Specify the Excluded Encoding Types for file encoding formats, such as DFF/DST, that should be transcoded on-the-fly via ProxyStream.

    very clear.



    Hello, Tiki

    Case 1:

    open UPnP Status View w/o any change and restart app.

    and then no UPnP Status View shown

    Case 2:

    open UPnP Status View and enable autohide

    and check View > Docking window

    the UPnP Status View selection has disappeared…



    Hello, Tiki

    Now I can quickly copy those metadata…


    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15430

    For Denon speaker???


    Hello, Tiki

    Very thanks for your enhancements…

    it’s working well…


    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15428

    Hello, Tiki

    Thanks for your changes.

    It’s working well.


    PS: “Disable EncoderType” this title is a little confusing for me. Providing a more detailed description may be good.

    返信先: Feature Request: Volume Booster #15427

    Hello, Tiki,
    I’ve realized that gain(preamp) is not a good approach.

    It changes the signal level, specifically the voltage amplitude, which is different from adjusting the volume. When I tested increasing the preamp to +20dB, it resulted in clipping in the soundbar’s speakers.

    I think keeping the maximum gain at +10dB(prev. default).
    Can the volume signal strength be adjusted to increase volume without relying on gain?


    返信先: Feature Request: Volume Booster #15403

    “When you change the preamp value, does it change the volume you hear? ”

    Yeah, it does..

    but still, the volume is too low with the SONY Soundbar…

    Like this digital sound device, it’s easily affected by DSP tuning.


    返信先: Feature Request: Volume Booster #15401

    Hi Tiki,

    I’ve tried the preamp gain function that you mentioned, but the volume is still too low.

    I tested it with a SONY Soundbar, and at 20% volume, the sound is acceptable when watching YouTube.

    However, even with the preamp boosting the volume by +10dB in TuneBrowser, it’s still not enough.



    Thank you, Tiki..

    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15251

    Hello, Tiki

    When sending a file to the UPnP device as a native file, TuneBrowser is not checking contents of the file. Only the file extension is used to determine the file type. So it is difficult to determine if a DFF file is compressed at the time of transmission.

    I thought it would be possible to check the encoding format to determine if it is DST before sending the file?

    Maybe it’s my misunderstanding. 🙁


    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15244

    Hi, Tiki

    I noticed that most streamers cannot support compressed DST (DSD) files.

    (Cheaper streamers are limited by hardware performance, as decompressing DST files requires significant system resources)

    Even some expensive streamers seem unable to support the DST file format.

    Is it possible to provide an option flag in the individual renderer settings of External UPnP Renderer settings to allow or disallow sending those DSD format files to the streamer?

    Here is my thought…

    [DSD Support]
    Auto => Unlimited, maybe few streamers are able to handle the compression DSD format files
    Limited => Only uncompression format
    No => on-the-fly transcoding will be performed before sending


    返信先: Auralic Music Streamer issues with UPnP #15243

    Hello, Tiki

    TuneBrowser works as an OpenHome Player.
    However, it is not an OpenHome Controler. TuneBrowser does not support external OpenHome Players.

    Thanks for your answer…

    I will continue to communicate with Auralic, hoping they can make some improvements.

    返信先: Auralic Music Streamer issues with UPnP #15240

    Do you mean the TuneBrowser does not support oNet Media Renderer?

    返信先: Auralic Music Streamer issues with UPnP #15238

    Hello, Tiki

    I have contacted AuraLic.

    They said they do not support UPnP. (I don’t know why they are so reluctant to implement standard UPnP)

    They only support OpenHome, which is compatible with UPnP.

    I’m not sure if TuneBrowser can create an OpenHome Renderer.

    I tried using BubbleUPnP to create an OpenHome Renderer for testing…

    But TuneBrowser couldn’t find this Renderer…


    And, I also tested the Synology Audio Station. There is the same problem, too.

    返信先: Auralic Music Streamer issues with UPnP #15236

    Here is the device spy capture:

    it’s not nested…

    But I’m not sure if the UPnP implementation is incomplete?!

    返信先: Auralic Music Streamer issues with UPnP #15234

    UPnP Log attaached

    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15222

    Hello, Tiki,

    May I ask a question?

    Have you tested whether your streamer device(s) can process the DSD/DST compressed format?


    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15221

    Hello, Tiki

    I’m currently in contact with the vendor and waiting for a response.

    I have noticed that almost all DST files cannot be played back properly on the streamer unless on-the-fly transcoding is enabled.

    I don’t understand the difference.

    返信先: unable to playing some dsd files #15219

    Hello, Tiki

    here is my log

    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19161: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Doing SetAVTransportURI: AVTType::CurrTune
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19163: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Checking ProxyStream for file: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\01 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from La traviata.dff]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19165: T00848: UPnP_P: CanApplyWPRX=Yes : WavProxyLimitedUse(Yes) && (DSD==Yes || Subsong==No || HiRes==Yes) || !WavProxyLimitedUse(Yes)
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19167: T00848: UPnP_P: WavProxy_OK=Yes : UseWavProxy==UseExDecd::IfN && MIME_OK==Yes (audio/wav) && CanApplyWPRX(Yes)
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19169: T00848: UPnP_P: AudioL16_OK=No : UseAudioL16==UseExDecd::IfN && MIME_OK==No (audio/L16)
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19171: T00848: UPnP_P: WavProxy_Req=No : WavProxy_OK==Yes && (UseWavProxy(UseExDecd::IfN)==UseExDecd::IfP || Tag==No (USE_WAV_PROXY))
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19173: T00848: UPnP_P: AudioL16_Req=No : AudioL16_OK==No && (UseAudioL16(UseExDecd::IfN)==UseExDecd::IfP || Tag==No (USE_AUDIO_L16))
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19175: T00848: UPnP_P: ProxyStream=No : MIME_NG(No ) (audio/dff) || Subsong(No ) || WavProxy_Req(No ) || AudioL16_Req(No ) || GenToFixedDrive(No ) || UseProxyStream(Auto)==Always
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19177: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: File: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\01 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from La traviata.dff]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19179: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: URI: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19181: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19183: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <item>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19185: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <res protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/dff:*" duration="0:04:38.147" bitrate="2313066" bitsPerSample="1" nrAudioChannels="2" sampleFrequency="2822400" DecodeEx="Normal"></res>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19187: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:title>Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from "La traviata"</dc:title>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19189: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:date>2008</dc:date>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19191: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <dc:creator>Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester</dc:creator>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19193: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:album>SS REFERENCE SA-CD / Yanagisawa Selection</upnp:album>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19195: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:genre>Classical</upnp:genre>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19197: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:artist>Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester</upnp:artist>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19199: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:originalTrackNumber>1</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19201: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:albumArtURI></upnp:albumArtURI>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19203: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: <upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19205: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: </item>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19207: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: </DIDL-Lite>
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,664: UL19209: T00848: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI ] to: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,715: UL19210: T07af4: --> :29500 EVENT /SR_AVTransport.notify: uuid:e93d98e0-2977-11ef-8348-93855cba8f9e
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,715: UL19212: T07af4: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,715: UL19214: T07af4: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackURI ] : []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,715: UL19216: T07af4: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackMetaData ] : [<DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="http:/ (...)]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,715: UL19218: T07af4: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: New URI found: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,715: UL19220: T07af4: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: UseExDecd mark is pending.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,715: UL19222: T07af4: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Track: [Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from "La traviata"]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,716: UL19224: T07af4: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: UseExDecd mark not found in URI: [DecodeEx:Normal] (FILE)
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,716: UL19226: T04204: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,716: UL19228: T04204: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,716: UL19230: T04204: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: Mine:Yes Managed:Yes Recorded:Yes Local file: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\01 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from La traviata.dff]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,720: UL19232: T00848: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [SetAVTransportURI ] finished.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,720: UL19234: T00848: UPnP_P: [SetAVTransportURI]: [Denon Home 350] accepted current tune by SetAVTransportURI: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,720: UL19236: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Resubscribe all events.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,720: UL19238: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Unsubscribe all events.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,720: UL19240: T00848: Subscriber: PlayImpl: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,735: UL19242: T00848: Subscriber: PlayImpl: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,749: UL19244: T00848: Subscriber: PlayImpl: UnsubscribeEvent: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,761: UL19246: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: End Subscribe server.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,816: UL19258: T06b98: Subscriber: End processing.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,816: UL19262: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Begin Subscribe server.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,817: UL19266: T05ba0: Subscriber: Begin processing.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,817: UL19268: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Subscribe all events.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,817: UL19270: T00848: Subscriber: PlayImpl: SubscribeEvent: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,831: UL19272: T00848: Subscriber: PlayImpl: SubscribeEvent: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,842: UL19273: T01a6c: --> EVENT /SR_AVTransport.notify: uuid:fa80750a-2977-11ef-8348-93855cba8f9e
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,842: UL19275: T01a6c: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,842: UL19277: T01a6c: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [TransportStatus ] : [OK]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,842: UL19279: T01a6c: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [TransportState ] : [STOPPED]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,842: UL19281: T01a6c: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackURI ] : []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,842: UL19283: T01a6c: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackMetaData ] : [<DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="http:/ (...)]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,842: UL19285: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Track(Stay): [Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from "La traviata"]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,846: UL19288: T00848: Subscriber: PlayImpl: SubscribeEvent: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,855: UL19289: T06a74: --> EVENT /SR_ConnectionManager.notify: uuid:fa827382-2977-11ef-8348-93855cba8f9e
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,865: UL19291: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Resubscribe all events has done.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,876: UL19292: T01a6c: --> EVENT /SR_RenderingControl.notify: uuid:fa859e0e-2977-11ef-8348-93855cba8f9e
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,876: UL19294: T01a6c: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [RenderingControl]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,876: UL19296: T01a6c: Subscriber: - [RenderingControl]: Device notification: Node found: [Volume ] : [39]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,894: UL19298: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: RelTimeEvent: No
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,894: UL19300: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: SyncActive: No
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,894: UL19302: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Post Play.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,895: UL19304: T00848: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] to: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,928: UL19306: T00848: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [Play ] finished.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,928: UL19308: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change in 10000 ms.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,937: UL19309: T06a74: --> EVENT /SR_AVTransport.notify: uuid:fa80750a-2977-11ef-8348-93855cba8f9e
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,937: UL19311: T06a74: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,937: UL19313: T06a74: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [TransportState ] : [TRANSITIONING]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,937: UL19315: T06a74: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerUPnP UPState changed [STOPPED ] to [TRANSITIONING ]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,937: UL19317: T06a74: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: State : TRANSITIONING
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,940: UL19318: T08a98: HTTPServer: [ :58119]: Socket accepted.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,941: UL19319: T03548: HTTPServer: [ :58119]: Processing [GET] /TuneID/00003241-RFH40DFCB58.dff
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,941: UL19320: T03548: HTTPServer: [ :58119]: Tune: 00003241-RFH40DFCB58.dff ->
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,941: UL19321: T03548: HTTPServer: [ :58119]: \\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\01 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from La traviata.dff
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,949: UL19323: T036a4: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 7085 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,949: UL19325: T036a4: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 7085 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,950: UL19326: T03548: HTTPServer: [ :58119]: Begin monitoring playback.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,958: UL19328: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: State change detected.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,958: UL19330: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change has done in 30 ms.
    2024/06/13 19:27:50,958: UL19332: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change before seek in 10000 ms.
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,231: UL19336: T01a6c: --> EVENT /SR_AVTransport.notify: uuid:fa80750a-2977-11ef-8348-93855cba8f9e
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,231: UL19338: T01a6c: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19340: T01a6c: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackURI ] : []
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19342: T01a6c: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackMetaData ] : [<DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="http:/ (...)]
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19344: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Updated metadata: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19346: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Upd tag: [ARTIST ]:
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19348: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Old: [Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches St (...)]
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19350: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: New: [Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches St (...)]
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19352: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Updated metadata found.
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19354: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: Track: [Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from "La traviata"]
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19356: T01a6c: UPnP_P: [Proc:UriAndMeta] <EVT>: UseExDecd mark not found in URI: [DecodeEx:Normal] (FILE)
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19358: T04204: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: URI: []
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19360: T04204: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: This is mine.
    2024/06/13 19:27:51,232: UL19362: T04204: UPnP_P: [ResolveTune]: Mine:Yes Managed:Yes Recorded:Yes Local file: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\01 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora from La traviata.dff]
    2024/06/13 19:27:59,604: UL19687: T03548: HTTPServer: [ :58119]: Detected playback threshold: TX:40894464 TL:40336306 / 80672612 bytes
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19753: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Detected timeout while waiting for event.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19755: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Waiting for state change has done.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19757: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Seek is required to 0.0 sec.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19759: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Seek to 0.0 sec by [REL_TIME].
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19761: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Setting seek value to void.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19763: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Preparing next tune by SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19765: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Next tune sequence position 0 -> 1.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19767: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: [Denon Home 350] is supporting SetNextAVTransportURI.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19769: T00848: UPnP_P: PlayImpl: Procedure has been done.
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19771: T00848: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 7086 [Update]
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19773: T08afc: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: Doing SetAVTransportURI: AVTType::NextTune
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,182: UL19775: T08afc: UPnP_P: [UPP_TransCThread]: Checking ProxyStream for file: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]SS REFERENCE - SACD柳沢功力氏選曲\02 - Carlos Kleiber, Bayerisches Staatsorchester - Libiamo ne'lieti calici (Brindisi) from La traviata.dff]
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,183: UL19777: T08afc: UPnP_P: CanApplyWPRX=Yes : WavProxyLimitedUse(Yes) && (DSD==Yes || Subsong==No || HiRes==Yes) || !WavProxyLimitedUse(Yes)
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,183: UL19779: T08afc: UPnP_P: WavProxy_OK=Yes : UseWavProxy==UseExDecd::IfN && MIME_OK==Yes (audio/wav) && CanApplyWPRX(Yes)
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,183: UL19781: T08afc: UPnP_P: AudioL16_OK=No : UseAudioL16==UseExDecd::IfN && MIME_OK==No (audio/L16)
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,183: UL19783: T08afc: UPnP_P: WavProxy_Req=No : WavProxy_OK==Yes && (UseWavProxy(UseExDecd::IfN)==UseExDecd::IfP || Tag==No (USE_WAV_PROXY))
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,183: UL19785: T08afc: UPnP_P: AudioL16_Req=No : AudioL16_OK==No && (UseAudioL16(UseExDecd::IfN)==UseExDecd::IfP || Tag==No (USE_AUDIO_L16))
    2024/06/13 19:28:01,183: UL19787: T08afc: UPnP_P: ProxyStream=No : MIME_NG(No ) (audio/dff) || Subsong(No ) || WavProxy_Req(No ) || AudioL16_Req(No ) || GenToFixedDrive(No ) || UseProxyStream(Auto)==Always
    返信先: missing artist title in the player view #15208

    I’m learning the part as you mentioned.

    It’s a little bit complicated.

    返信先: missing artist title in the player view #15205

    Hello, Tiki

    you are right…



    I noticed that the Artist title is displayed above the Album title.

    But if the Album Artist is not empty, that area will show it.

    Can I change the order of display for that?
    or manually add an area to display the Artist title or change the display format?


    返信先: missing artist title in the player view #15203


    Some albums can display the artist’s title normally, while others can not.

    test file(not artist shown):!AvA1navurakAib1qK_a2PH2L-8CnIg?e=uYBueP

    返信先: UI issue: incorrect timebar display #15164


    I did test it several times with my WiiM Pro Plus.

    This issue was improved I think.


    返信先: UI issue: incorrect timebar display #15157

    Tested device: Wiim Pro Plus


    2024/05/15 00:34:30,896: UL08955: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] to: []
    2024/05/15 00:34:30,912: UL08957: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] finished.
    2024/05/15 00:34:30,912: UL08959: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] to: []
    2024/05/15 00:34:30,922: UL08961: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] finished.
    2024/05/15 00:34:30,922: UL08963: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/05/15 00:34:30,933: UL08965: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/05/15 00:34:30,933: UL08967: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed time 00:02:59 reached to target time.
    2024/05/15 00:34:31,894: UL08969: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] to: []
    2024/05/15 00:34:31,907: UL08971: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetVolume ] finished.
    2024/05/15 00:34:31,907: UL08973: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] to: []
    2024/05/15 00:34:31,921: UL08975: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetTransportInfo ] finished.
    2024/05/15 00:34:31,922: UL08977: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] to: []
    2024/05/15 00:34:31,934: UL08979: T04bec: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetPositionInfo ] finished.
    2024/05/15 00:34:31,934: UL08981: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:00 -> 180.0 / 196.7 sec (per 10 seconds)
    2024/05/15 00:34:32,893: UL08983: T04bec: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Polling SOAP log turns to off.
    2024/05/15 00:34:38,938: UL09007: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:07 -> 187.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:39,922: UL09012: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:08 -> 188.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:40,922: UL09018: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:09 -> 189.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:41,919: UL09020: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:09 -> 189.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:42,926: UL09024: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:10 -> 190.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:43,924: UL09028: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:11 -> 191.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,550: UL09029: T08548: --> :51177 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive upnp:rootdevice
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,551: UL09030: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b0
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,551: UL09031: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,551: UL09032: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,552: UL09033: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,552: UL09034: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,621: UL09035: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,621: UL09036: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:DeviceProtection:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,622: UL09037: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPv6FirewallControl:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,622: UL09038: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,622: UL09039: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,630: UL09040: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,885: UL09041: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,885: UL09042: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,888: UL09043: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,890: UL09044: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPv6FirewallControl:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,890: UL09045: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:DeviceProtection:1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,894: UL09046: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,895: UL09047: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b1
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,897: UL09048: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,899: UL09049: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,901: UL09050: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,903: UL09051: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b0
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,908: UL09052: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive upnp:rootdevice
    2024/05/15 00:34:44,955: UL09054: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:13 -> 193.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:45,926: UL09056: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:14 -> 194.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:46,917: UL09058: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:14 -> 194.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:47,925: UL09060: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:16 -> 196.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:48,925: UL09062: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:16 -> 196.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:49,926: UL09064: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:18 -> 198.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:50,910: UL09066: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:18 -> 198.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:51,912: UL09070: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:20 -> 200.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09076: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerUPnP UPState changed [PLAYING ] to [STOPPED ]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09078: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerUPnP PLStatus changed [PlayStatus::Playing ] to [PlayStatus::Stop ]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09080: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Stop detected.
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09082: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Next tune sequence position 33 -> -1.
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09084: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Player is UnderControl. Next tune not found. Accept stop playback.
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09086: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerPlayStatus: [Playing] -> [Stop]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09088: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Post PlayerNotify: 0006 [PlayStatus]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09090: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PlayerStatus: Stop
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09092: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: Post PlayerNotify: 0006 [Stopped]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09094: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: PLTTrace released(P): PLTIdx:06
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,898: UL09096: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <POL>: State : STOPPED
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,900: UL09098: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 0006 [PlayStatus]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,901: UL09100: T01e40: UPnP_P: Next tune sequence position 33 -> -1.
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,901: UL09102: T01e40: UPnP_P: Current tune: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック2/藤澤慶昌\01.冒険.flac:0]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,902: UL09104: T01e40: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 7068 [Update]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,902: UL09106: T01e40: UPnP_P: Current tune adjusted to sequence position 0.
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,902: UL09108: T01e40: UPnP_P: GUI part detected tune change: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック2/藤澤慶昌\01.冒険.flac:0]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,910: UL09116: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 0006 [Stopped]
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,911: UL09118: T01e40: UPnP_P: PLTTrace released(G): PLTIdx:06
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,911: UL09120: T04bec: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:16 -> 196.0 / 196.7 sec <- 0.0 (Not playing)
    2024/05/15 00:34:52,923: UL09122: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 7068 [Update]

    Tested device: Denon Home 350


    2024/05/15 00:41:10,829: UL12428: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:07 -> 187.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:11,806: UL12430: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:08 -> 188.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:12,807: UL12432: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:09 -> 189.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:13,813: UL12434: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:10 -> 190.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,621: UL12435: T08548: --> :51177 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive upnp:rootdevice
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,624: UL12436: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b0
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,635: UL12437: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,635: UL12438: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,636: UL12439: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,636: UL12440: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,636: UL12441: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,636: UL12442: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:DeviceProtection:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,646: UL12443: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPv6FirewallControl:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,646: UL12444: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,646: UL12445: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,646: UL12446: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,813: UL12448: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:11 -> 191.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,941: UL12449: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,942: UL12450: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,942: UL12451: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,943: UL12452: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPv6FirewallControl:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,943: UL12453: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:DeviceProtection:1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,944: UL12454: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,944: UL12455: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b1
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,944: UL12456: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,945: UL12457: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,945: UL12458: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:2
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,945: UL12459: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:f785870d-aeaf-49d0-b247-406d43dd12b0
    2024/05/15 00:41:14,946: UL12460: T08548: --> SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive upnp:rootdevice
    2024/05/15 00:41:15,802: UL12462: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:12 -> 192.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:16,799: UL12464: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:13 -> 193.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:17,801: UL12466: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:14 -> 194.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:18,805: UL12468: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:15 -> 195.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:19,800: UL12470: T012d0: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 00:03:16 -> 196.0 / 196.0 sec
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,102: UL12471: T01e70: --> :29500 EVENT /SR_AVTransport.notify: uuid:5564cd4c-1210-11ef-b336-f9c729d35445
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,102: UL12473: T01e70: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,102: UL12475: T01e70: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [TransportState ] : [STOPPED]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,102: UL12477: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerUPnP UPState changed [PLAYING ] to [STOPPED ]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,102: UL12479: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerUPnP PLStatus changed [PlayStatus::Playing ] to [PlayStatus::Stop ]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,102: UL12481: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Stop detected.
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,102: UL12483: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Next tune sequence position 33 -> -1.
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,103: UL12485: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Player is UnderControl. Next tune not found. Accept stop playback.
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,103: UL12487: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerPlayStatus: [Playing] -> [Stop]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,103: UL12489: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Post PlayerNotify: 0010 [PlayStatus]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,103: UL12491: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerStatus: Stop
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,103: UL12493: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Post PlayerNotify: 0010 [Stopped]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,103: UL12495: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PLTTrace released(P): PLTIdx:10
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,103: UL12497: T01e70: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: State : STOPPED
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,108: UL12499: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 0010 [PlayStatus]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,109: UL12501: T01e40: UPnP_P: Next tune sequence position 33 -> -1.
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,110: UL12503: T01e40: UPnP_P: Current tune: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック2/藤澤慶昌\01.冒険.flac:0]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,111: UL12505: T01e40: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 7105 [Update]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,111: UL12507: T01e40: UPnP_P: Current tune adjusted to sequence position 0.
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,112: UL12509: T01e40: UPnP_P: GUI part detected tune change: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック2/藤澤慶昌\01.冒険.flac:0]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,121: UL12517: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 0010 [Stopped]
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,121: UL12519: T01e40: UPnP_P: PLTTrace released(G): PLTIdx:10
    2024/05/15 00:41:20,129: UL12521: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 7105 [Update]

    interesting. no bar-rendered issue on the Denon Home device

    Tested device: iFi Zen Streamer


    2024/05/15 00:50:19,247: UL17084: T08490: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:03:15 -> 195.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:50:19,543: UL17085: T01600: --> EVENT /SR_Info.notify: uuid:401126ce-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:19,544: UL17086: T078ec: --> EVENT /SR_Time.notify: uuid:4015f6ea-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:20,239: UL17088: T08490: UPnP_P: [Proc:RelTime ] <POL>: Elapsed: 0:03:16 -> 196.0 / 196.7 sec
    2024/05/15 00:50:20,701: UL17089: T08548: --> :39593 SSDP M-SEARCH: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1
    2024/05/15 00:50:20,801: UL17090: T08548: <-- SSDP M-SEARCH: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1
    2024/05/15 00:50:20,825: UL17091: T08f30: --> :47298 DEVICE UPnP Media Server: GET /Device.xml
    2024/05/15 00:50:20,825: UL17092: T08f30: <-- DEVICE UPnP Media Server: Device desc
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,037: UL17093: T02e90: --> :29500 EVENT /SR_Playlist.notify: uuid:40130d72-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,037: UL17094: T07a24: --> EVENT /SR_Info.notify: uuid:401126ce-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17095: T08948: --> EVENT /SR_AVTransport.notify: uuid:4017e324-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17097: T08948: Subscriber: [Event]: Received EVENT: [AVTransport]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17098: T02bcc: --> EVENT /SR_Time.notify: uuid:4015f6ea-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17100: T08948: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [TransportState ] : [STOPPED]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17102: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerUPnP UPState changed [PLAYING ] to [STOPPED ]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17104: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerUPnP PLStatus changed [PlayStatus::Playing ] to [PlayStatus::Stop ]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17106: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Stop detected.
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17108: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Next tune sequence position 33 -> -1.
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17110: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Player is UnderControl. Next tune not found. Accept stop playback.
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17112: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerPlayStatus: [Playing] -> [Stop]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17114: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Post PlayerNotify: 0015 [PlayStatus]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17116: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PlayerStatus: Stop
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17118: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: Post PlayerNotify: 0015 [Stopped]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17120: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: PLTTrace released(P): PLTIdx:15
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17122: T08948: UPnP_P: [Proc:TrState ] <EVT>: State : STOPPED
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17124: T08948: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [RelativeTimePosition ] : [0:00:00]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,041: UL17126: T08948: Subscriber: - [AVTransport]: Device notification: Node found: [CurrentTrackMetaData ] : []
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,044: UL17128: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 0015 [PlayStatus]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,045: UL17130: T01e40: UPnP_P: Next tune sequence position 33 -> -1.
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,046: UL17132: T01e40: UPnP_P: Current tune: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック2/藤澤慶昌\01.冒険.flac:0]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,047: UL17134: T01e40: UPnP_P: Post PlayerNotify: 7185 [Update]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,048: UL17136: T01e40: UPnP_P: Current tune adjusted to sequence position 0.
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,049: UL17138: T01e40: UPnP_P: GUI part detected tune change: [\\\music\[Hi-Res]TVアニメ「無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック2/藤澤慶昌\01.冒険.flac:0]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,058: UL17146: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 0015 [Stopped]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,058: UL17148: T01e40: UPnP_P: PLTTrace released(G): PLTIdx:15
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,062: UL17150: T01e40: UPnP_P: Proc PlayerNotify: 7185 [Update]
    2024/05/15 00:50:21,099: UL17151: T025e0: --> EVENT /SR_Radio.notify: uuid:4015371e-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:22,058: UL17152: T01600: --> EVENT /SR_Playlist.notify: uuid:40130d72-1211-11ef-8388-8982e1f85184
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,440: UL17153: T08548: --> :52115 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive upnp:rootdevice
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,440: UL17154: T08548: --> :50989 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,441: UL17155: T08548: --> :52115 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:2d4f627f-e893-1a71-0080-00a96f05b956
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,441: UL17156: T08548: --> :40884 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,441: UL17157: T08548: --> :52115 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-denon-com:device:AiosDevice:1
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,441: UL17158: T08548: --> :35173 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive urn:schemas-denon-com:service:ErrorHandler:1
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,442: UL17159: T08548: --> :41325 SSDP NOTIFY: ssdp:alive uuid:7ea90380-9dfa-14fd-0080-00a96f05b956
    2024/05/15 00:50:29,442: UL17160: T08548: UPnP_M: *** Processing USNID_17 by NOTIFY from: : [uuid:7ea90380-9dfa-14fd-0080-00a96f05b956::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]

    I’m not sure, but…

    tested many times with this device, and no bar-rendered issue happened.

    seems like this issue only occurs on the Wiim Pro Plus device.

    and, setting the Seek Mode as “ABS_TIME” can not resolve this issue.

    返信先: UI issue: incorrect timebar display #15156

    Hi, Tiki

    “Hmm, perhaps, you are using external player like UPnP renderer, and I think the player reported inconsistent time position.”

    yeap, UPnP renderer

    it’s not easy to determine and reproduce this issue.

    the following are the steps that I tried and spent time on:

    Step 1: play the last track in the album

    Step 2: on playing status, move your mouse to 1st track and keep focus

    Step 3: waiting for the last track playback completed

    then, possibly you will see the incorrect length bar-rendered issue at track1.


    Hello, Tiki

    To be honest, I just happened to stumble upon this.

    I spent some time trying to reproduce it.

    In the end, I found some clues.

    It seems that by using the F3 button, the currently playing album title will be highlighted.

    It shouldn’t be a UI issue I think.




    Tested it..

    it’s working as I expected

    but I have a question

    1. what’s the borderless highlighted title outside of focus?



    Hello, Tiki


    thank you.



    I tested it with Denon Home

    now, in this version, default additional MIME tags can be sent without ProxyStream..


    返信先: UI suggestions for the UPnP part #15137

    Hello, Tiki

    very thks

    I can see this information in the player viewer…

    Thank you for your improvements.


    Hello, Tiki

    Tested another case.

    “audio/dsf; audio/dff” these tags are default with the Denon Home device on the application.

    And, I added a new tag on purpose.

    ok, very interesting.

    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06574: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: 1: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06576: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06578: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:7ea90380-9dfa-14fd-0080-00a96f05b956::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06580: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Location:
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06582: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Name : Denon Home 350
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06584: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Model : Denon Home 350
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06586: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,202: UL06588: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Call GetProtocolInfo.
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,203: UL06590: T09aac: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,230: UL06592: T09aac: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] finished.
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06594: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Supported protocols: 13
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06596: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mpeg <- http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06598: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/vnd.dlna.adts <- http-get:*:audio/vnd.dlna.adts:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06600: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06602: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06604: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06606: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=1 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=1:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06608: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06610: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06612: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/wav <- http-get:*:audio/wav:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06614: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mp3 <- http-get:*:audio/mp3:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06616: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/flac <- http-get:*:audio/flac:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06618: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/aac <- http-get:*:audio/aac:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06620: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/m4a <- http-get:*:audio/m4a:*
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06622: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Additional protocols:
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06624: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/dsf
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06626: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/dff
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06628: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/tta
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06630: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - GetProtocolInfo completed.
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06632: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1]
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06634: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Player has been enabled.
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06636: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Post PlayerNotify: 7035 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06638: T09aac: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UPnP DeviceInfo is ready. Initialize device.
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06640: T08d1c: UPnP_P: Stage: [InitializeDevice]
    2024/05/05 21:40:43,231: UL06642: T08d1c: UPnP_P: Initialize device.

    well, we can see these MIME tags attached in the log after the changes.


    Hello, Tiki

    I tested another brand device:

    Wiim Pro Plus

    2024/05/05 20:21:26,494: UL04232: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: 1: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,494: UL04234: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,494: UL04236: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:FF98FCDE-C5BF-3F37-7DF2-1725FF98FCDE::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,495: UL04238: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Location:
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,495: UL04240: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Name : WiiM Pro Plus-D2FC
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,495: UL04242: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Model : WiiM Pro Plus Receiver
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,495: UL04244: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,495: UL04246: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Call GetProtocolInfo.
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,495: UL04248: T08370: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04250: T08370: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] finished.
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04252: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Supported protocols: 20
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04254: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/wav <- http-get:*:audio/wav:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04256: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-wav <- http-get:*:audio/x-wav:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04258: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mpeg <- http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04260: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mpeg <- http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3X
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04262: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:DLNA.ORG_PN=WMABASE
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04264: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:DLNA.ORG_PN=WMAFULL
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04266: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:DLNA.ORG_PN=WMAPRO
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04268: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mpeg <- http-get:*:audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP2_MPS
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04270: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mp3 <- http-get:*:audio/mp3:*
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04272: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/wma <- http-get:*:audio/wma:*
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04274: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mpeg <- http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04276: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/vnd.dlna.adts <- http-get:*:audio/vnd.dlna.adts:DLNA.ORG_PN=AAC_ADTS
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04278: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/vnd.dlna.adts <- http-get:*:audio/vnd.dlna.adts:DLNA.ORG_PN=AAC_ADTS_320
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04280: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/m4a <- http-get:*:audio/m4a:DLNA.ORG_PN=AAC_ISO
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04282: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/aac <- http-get:*:audio/aac:DLNA.ORG_PN=AAC_ISO
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04284: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/ac3 <- http-get:*:audio/ac3:DLNA.ORG_PN=AC3
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04286: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/ogg <- http-get:*:audio/ogg:*
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04288: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/ape <- http-get:*:audio/ape:*
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04290: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ape <- http-get:*:audio/x-ape:*
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,513: UL04292: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/flac <- http-get:*:audio/flac:*
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04294: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Additional protocols:
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04296: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/dsf
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04298: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/dff
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04300: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - GetProtocolInfo completed.
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04302: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1]
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04304: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Player has been enabled.
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04306: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Post PlayerNotify: 7027 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,517: UL04308: T08370: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UPnP DeviceInfo is ready. Initialize device.
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,518: UL04310: T0803c: UPnP_P: Stage: [InitializeDevice]
    2024/05/05 20:21:26,518: UL04312: T0803c: UPnP_P: Initialize device.

    these optional MIME tags can be attached to the above device, but the Denon device can’t.

    so strange…Orz




    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03731: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: 1: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03733: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03735: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:7ea90380-9dfa-14fd-0080-00a96f05b956::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03737: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Location:
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03739: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Name : Denon Home 350
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03741: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Model : Denon Home 350
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03743: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03745: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Call GetProtocolInfo.
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,516: UL03747: T09528: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] to: []
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03749: T09528: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo ] finished.
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03751: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Supported protocols: 13
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03753: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mpeg <- http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03755: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/vnd.dlna.adts <- http-get:*:audio/vnd.dlna.adts:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03757: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03759: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03761: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,534: UL03763: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=1 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=1:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03765: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03767: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03769: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/wav <- http-get:*:audio/wav:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03771: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mp3 <- http-get:*:audio/mp3:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03773: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/flac <- http-get:*:audio/flac:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03775: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/aac <- http-get:*:audio/aac:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03777: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/m4a <- http-get:*:audio/m4a:*
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03779: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - GetProtocolInfo completed.
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03781: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1]
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03783: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Player has been enabled.
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03785: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Post PlayerNotify: 7025 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03787: T09528: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UPnP DeviceInfo is ready. Initialize device.
    2024/05/05 00:56:24,535: UL03789: T04d88: UPnP_P: Stage: [InitializeDevice]


    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01963: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: 1: Initialize UPnP info of the Player.
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01965: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP is initialized.
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01967: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP DeviceInfo: USN:[uuid:7ea90380-9dfa-14fd-0080-00a96f05b956::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1]
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01969: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Location:
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01971: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Name : Denon Home 350
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01973: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Model : Denon Home 350
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01975: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1]
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,305: UL01977: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Call GetProtocolInfo.
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,306: UL01979: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo] to []
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01981: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [SOAP Request]: SOAP request: [GetProtocolInfo] finished.
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01983: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Supported protocols: 13
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01985: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mpeg <- http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01987: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/vnd.dlna.adts <- http-get:*:audio/vnd.dlna.adts:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01989: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01991: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/x-ms-wma <- http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01993: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01995: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=1 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=1:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01997: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL01999: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1 <- http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02001: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/wav <- http-get:*:audio/wav:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02003: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/mp3 <- http-get:*:audio/mp3:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02005: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/flac <- http-get:*:audio/flac:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02007: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/aac <- http-get:*:audio/aac:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02009: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/m4a <- http-get:*:audio/m4a:*
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02011: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Additional protocols:
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02013: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/dsf
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02015: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: audio/dff
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02017: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - GetProtocolInfo completed.
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02019: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - UPnP Service found: [urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1]
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02021: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: - Player has been enabled.
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02023: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: Post PlayerNotify: 7016 [SpecUpdate]
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02025: T00a1c: UPnP_P: [UPP_WorkerThread]: UPnP DeviceInfo is ready. Initialize device.
    2024/05/05 04:18:05,326: UL02027: T0673c: UPnP_P: Stage: [InitializeDevice]

    take a look at the UPnP log

    well, no Additional protocols attached in v5.5.0


    I don’t find any information about “additional MIME types” settings in the UPnP log

    force-sending additional MIME tags is not working?


    Hello, Tiki

    At this time, the node is not selected. It is just highlighted.
    I think that is why the query is not selected.

    I think this UI issue can be improved.

    Here is my simple idea.

    Maybe the Treeview dropdown menu was temporarily disabled if there is no selection existed, like the following:


    other F3 button:



    “NoteBurner Apple Music Converter” it’s just a music stream converter, like the Sidify(Spotify) Music Converter.

    These tools have nothing to do with TuneBrowser.

    About Sidify:

    Spotify での音楽を TuneBrowser で再生する方法:


    Hello, Tiki

    thank you for your improvements.

    and, a suggestion:

    could you provide English translation for the F3 button?


    Hello, Tiki

    well, let me explain

    It will show only one playing item in the Treeview after clicking Player View and pressing F3, right?

    see pic, thanks

    After pressing F3 and clicking the right arrow icon from the parent node to expand one Treeview, one inconvenience is that there are many album items in the TreeView, possibly more than 500 or 1000 albums, which may take time to scroll and find that playing item.

    I don’t know if there is a better way to quickly move to the item currently being played after expanding the TreeView.

    Did I do something wrong?


    Hello, Tiki

    For step 2, as mentioned earlier, have any hotkeys or buttons to automatically scroll to the currently playing album item in the Treeview?


    Hello, Tiki

    I’ve tried what you explained.

    It’s indeed similar but it’s a bit inconvenient in terms of operation.

    I find it requires more steps to achieve the desired result.

    step 1: click on the expand arrow next to the parent node.

    step 2: scroll the Treeview and search for the playing album.

    step 3: click on the playing album item to display the album content in the Library viewer

    a little inconvenient (maybe if >500 albums) but these steps can achieve my result as I expected.


    Hi, Tiki

    I’m not sure I understand the point being made in question.

    The Tree View can be scrolled. Scrolling allows you to view other nodes.”

    I believe the issue I raised is the same as the description of the ref link.



    Hello, Tiki

    UI issue report

    incorrect expand arrow marked to list treeview shown

    see pic


    1. normal case: click the “expand arrow” icon to expand

    2. issue case:

    a. select “parent item”

    b. double-click the “parent item” to expand

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