返信先: Problem: Normal Sound Playback can be become distorted loading a WWW Page

フォーラム TuneBrowser Problem: Normal Sound Playback can be become distorted loading a WWW Page 返信先: Problem: Normal Sound Playback can be become distorted loading a WWW Page

Andrew ACTON

Hi Tiki

Great news, your instructions fixed my problem.

I did some testing with the EXCL|SHR  and EVNT|PUSH  settings.

(1) Original Setting = EXCL and EVNT (problem detected – occasional distortion)

(2) Final Setting = EXCL and PUSH (working perfectly)

So switching from EVNT to PUSH was the fix in my case.  I attach screen capture for reference:


So now I run with EXCL and PUSH (several hours listening with NO PROBLEM).

Thanks again … Andrew   🙂
