thewan プロフィール 開始したトピック 返信 エンゲージメント お気に入り 返信を検索 フォーラムへの返信 2件の投稿を表示中 - 1 - 2件目 (全2件中) 投稿者 投稿 2022-02-24 05:22 返信先: Hidizs S9 Native DSD on ASIO not working #11818 thewan参加者 Hi. I am sorry for not reading my topic for a long time. I have downloaded the latest version of tunebrowser and now I can play Native DSD on ASIO using my Hidizs S9. It is working great. Thank you and keep up the good work! 2021-05-25 04:38 返信先: Hidizs S9 Native DSD on ASIO not working #10708 thewan参加者 Sorry I am slow to reply. When trying to play it shows: Playback device does not support this spec: I copy the the player log and paste in to txt. I hope it is correct. Attachments: playerlog.txt 投稿者 投稿 2件の投稿を表示中 - 1 - 2件目 (全2件中)