I would like the ability to pass advanced options to the SOX engine so that I could for instance up sample to DSD 512 and further. I understand that Tunebrowser uses it’s own custom build of the SOX engine, but from some sly testing it seems to be compatible with what I would like to do.
There are many examples why up sampling to DSD is preferable to simple PCM, despite it being more processor intensive. Please see this forum
I believe this could be done in a way that is simple to implement, but also provides something no other utility can.
If you look at this page it has an excel spreadsheet that will generate SOX commands.
I believe that something similar could be implemented with TuneBrowser. Either via a text based input or by expanding the sox resampling options.
Please see a mock up of the first option attached and thank you Tiki for all of your work. You have such an amazing player. I use it every day.