フォーラム › TuneBrowser › [要望] ファイル名からのトラック番号とタイトルのタグ補完 › 返信先: [要望] ファイル名からのトラック番号とタイトルのタグ補完
Greetings Tiki, Hinokiss
I was pleased to read the original suggestion by Hinokiss because I also encountered the same problem.
Please excuse me, since I can only use English (I use Google translate to read a Japanese to English translation of the forum).
I would like to share my procedure to overcome the TITLE with TRACK NUMBER issue:
Here is my process:
File Access “Compliment ALBUM” = ‘Use folder name’
File Access “Compliment ARTIST” = ‘Use parent folder name’
This means TuneBrowser inherits the Artist and Title automatically from the directory structure I create.
This works perfectly (and automatically) however because I rip to filenames with prefix (01), (02), etc… becomes the TRACK TITLE.
– I rip my files to the typical ARTIST NAME/ALBUM NAME/TRACK.WAV structure (example below).
– I *only* metadata I use is to build the correct Directory and Filenames structure (see example below).
– I only use WAV files.
– I (automatically) add (01),(02)… etc to each track file name to preserve the CD playback order.
– After ripping my WAV files do *NOT* contain any metadata, they are 100% bit accurate copies of the CD contents.
Example: For the CD album title ‘Ghost in the machine’ by the artist ‘The Police’ I get:
Directory S:
/The Police
/Ghost In The Machine
(01) Spirits In The Material World.wav
(02) Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic.wav
(03) Invisible Sun.wav
(04) Hungry For You (J’aurais Toujours Faim De Toi).wav
(05) Demolition Man.wav
(06) Too Much Information.wav
(07) Rehumanize Yourself.wav
(08) One World (Not Three).wav
(09) Ωmegaman.wav
(10) Secret Journey.wav
(11) Darkness.wav
CD Cover.jpg
The Police – Ghost In The Machine.log
– If I add the above directory to TuneBrowser now, everything works perfectly, however there is the minor issue of the TRACK TITLE containing (01), (02), etc… 🙁
– To make the metadata in the wav file perfect I use Mp3tag (one time, automatically) to update every ripped WAV file.
– Using Mp3tag (Convert, Filename-Tag) function with formula:
/%artist%/%album%/(%track%) %title%
Results in metadata:
artist:The Police
album:Ghost In The Machine
title:Spirits In The Material World
Mp3tag writes the (100% correct metadata) into the WAV file, I ‘refresh’ the TuneBrowser database and I get a perfect result – SEE ATTACHED IMAGE. 🙂
While I think the suggestion from Hinokiss is a good one, I have to say Tiki’s comments and conclusion are correct. This is a slightly ‘dangerous’ area for TuneBrowser, its better to let other software (like Mp3tag) perform the heavy metadata work. 🙂
Regards, Andrew