Dear Tiki san,
Thank you for your continued updates to TuneBrowser.
I’ve been testing the new “Group View” introduced in v5.7.0, and I’d like to share some impressions and ask a small question.
At first, I expected that “Group View” would display the currently selected group (such as an album or folder) in the Library.
However, after testing, I noticed that it actually shows the group that was sent to playback — meaning it only changes when I start playback of a group, and remains static otherwise.
So I was a little confused at first, as the behavior didn’t quite match what I expected from the name “Group”.
May I ask — is the current name intended to reflect the group that the playback queue was generated from?
In other CAS Players, I’ve seen similar functions with names like:
1. Source View
2. Focus View
3. Playlist View
4. Playing View
Just curious to understand your intention behind the naming
thank you again for your thoughtful development!