再生中にシークすると, 再生が止まってしまう

フォーラム TuneBrowser 再生中にシークすると, 再生が止まってしまう

  • このトピックには8件の返信、2人の参加者があり、最後にTikiにより7年、 2ヶ月前に更新されました。
9件の投稿を表示中 - 1 - 9件目 (全9件中)
  • 投稿者
  • #1102





    Detected device stallだそうです

    2017/12/29 15:03:57,174.205: Opening tune 0 [E:\Files\flac\02_Bass\Tal Wilkenfeld\Transformation\01 – BC.flac]
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,175.183: Creating decoder for file [E:\Files\flac\02_Bass\Tal Wilkenfeld\Transformation\01 – BC.flac]
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,175.285: Creating FLAC decoder.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,175.442: Opening file with RAMDecode:No : E:\Files\flac\02_Bass\Tal Wilkenfeld\Transformation\01 – BC.flac
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,185.241: Opened file: E:\Files\flac\02_Bass\Tal Wilkenfeld\Transformation\01 – BC.flac
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,185.316: 1 Sample:16 bit, 1 Word:16 bit.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,203.024: Stage: [PrepareDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,203.163: — WASAPI Device: Exclusive Mode Buffer: Event Mode.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,205.813: — Preparing device for 88200 Hz: [SPDIF インターフェイス (2- USB Audio Interface)]
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,205.923: Auto resampler: [If device does not support sample rate]
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,206.332: — Try 1/8: Preparing device by [PCM] 88200 Hz.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,207.033: Release AudioRenderClient 1E8D5B98.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,207.201: Release AudioClient 2030C4E8.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,211.520: Try WASAPI Device: Exclusive / Event: 88200 Hz / 16 bit
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,217.089: Using Buffer(RT) 300000, Period(RT) 300000.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,233.495: Phase:0 BitForm:32 BitData:32 : OK.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,233.620: Format matched. Complete to initialize device(IAudioClient).
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,236.138: WASAPI thread tick is 1 ms.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,236.215: WASAPI thread priority is 15.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,236.306: WASAPI Exclusive Mode 88200 Hz Event mode:Yes Buffer:2646 blocks Wait:-1 ms.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,239.372: Device word:32 bit, Device Data:32 bit, Tune word:16 bit, Buffer:2646 words.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,239.475: Device tick:30.000 ms / 33.333 Hz.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,239.579: PrepareDevice result: OK
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,239.778: — Try 1/8: Preparing device completed.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,239.911: Device sample rate is fixed: 88200 Hz.
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,248.976: Stage: [StartDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:03:57,254.505: Calling IAudioClient::Start().
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,530.552: Proc: [Seek] to 73.190 sec.
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,530.679: Fade out.
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,530.780: Enter fade control.
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,889.069: Stage: [StopDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,892.178: Calling IAudioClient::Stop().
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,957.725: Fade in.
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,958.026: Stage: [StartDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:05:26,963.740: Calling IAudioClient::Start().
    2017/12/29 15:05:27,246.697: Clear fade control.
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,156.603: Proc: [Seek] to 80.600 sec.
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,156.705: Fade out.
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,156.805: Enter fade control.
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,526.068: Stage: [StopDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,529.132: Calling IAudioClient::Stop().
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,555.098: Fade in.
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,555.292: Stage: [StartDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,560.598: Calling IAudioClient::Start().
    2017/12/29 15:05:31,566.420: Stop playback because of DeviceStall.
    2017/12/29 15:05:31,568.429: Error: Device callback is not comming while 3004 ms (> 3000 ms).
    2017/12/29 15:05:31,568.596: Proc: [Stop]
    2017/12/29 15:05:31,569.042: Stage: [StopDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:05:31,572.281: Error: Detected device stall.





    そのため、タイムアウトを検知して、”Device stall” と見なしています。

    2017/12/29 15:05:28,555.292: Stage: [StartDevice]
    2017/12/29 15:05:28,560.598: Calling IAudioClient::Start().
    2017/12/29 15:05:31,566.420: Stop playback because of DeviceStall.
    2017/12/29 15:05:31,568.429: Error: Device callback is not comming while 3004 ms (> 3000 ms).






    ベンチャークラフト Soundroid Typhoon

    なぜかWindowsには、[SPDIF インターフェイス (2- USB Audio Interface)]と認識され、ドライバはWASAPIドライバ使用となる。

    Buffer mode = Event Mode


    Buffer mode = Push Mode






    M-Audio Micro DAC 24/192

    ASIO: M-Audio Micro DAC 24 192 ドライバ使用

    Buffer Mode = Event Mode








    M-Audio Micro DAC 24/192

    WASAPI: M-Audio Micro DAC 24 192 ドライバ使用 でもやってみたところ

    Buffer Mode = Event Mode / Push Mode









    C:\WINDOWS\system32>winsat formal
    Windows System Assessment Tool
    > Running the Formal Assessment
    Machine already has a WinEI rating. Rerunning all assessments …
    > Running: Feature Enumeration ”
    > Run Time 00:00:00.00
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 1 -alphaw 2 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock’
    > Assessing Desktop Graphics Performance
    > Run Time 00:00:16.41
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)’
    > Assessing DirectX Batch Performance
    > Run Time 00:00:00.84
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)’
    > Assessing DirectX Alpha blend Performance
    > Run Time 00:00:00.89
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3’
    > Assessing DirectX Texture load Performance
    > Run Time 00:00:00.72
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3’
    > Assessing DirectX ALU Performance
    > Run Time 00:00:00.81
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-dx10 -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)’
    > Run Time 00:00:00.02
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-dx10 -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)’
    > Run Time 00:00:00.01
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-dx10 -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3’
    > Run Time 00:00:00.00
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-dx10 -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3’
    > Run Time 00:00:00.02
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-dx10 -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1’
    > Run Time 00:00:00.02
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-dx10 -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1’
    > Run Time 00:00:00.00
    > Running: WinSAT Direct3D Assessment ‘-dx10 -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6’
    > Run Time 00:00:00.01
    > MOOBE Run Time 00:00:21.06
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-encryption -up’
    > Run Time 00:00:10.30
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-compression -up’
    > Run Time 00:00:10.05
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-encryption2 -up’
    > Run Time 00:00:03.09
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-compression2 -up’
    > Run Time 00:00:10.06
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-encryption’
    > Run Time 00:00:10.34
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-compression’
    > Run Time 00:00:10.80
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-encryption2’
    > Run Time 00:00:10.27
    > Running: CPU Assessment ‘-compression2’
    > Run Time 00:00:10.22
    > Running: System memory performance assessment ”
    > Run Time 00:00:05.17
    > Running: Storage Assessment ‘-seq -read -n 0’
    > Run Time 00:00:11.11
    > Running: Storage Assessment ‘-ran -read -n 0’
    > Run Time 00:00:02.63
    > Running: Storage Assessment ‘-ran -read -n 2’
    > Run Time 00:00:18.42
    > Run Time 00:00:00.00
    > CPU LZW Compression 159.04 MB/s
    > CPU AES256 Encryption 496.80 MB/s
    > CPU Vista Compression 549.02 MB/s
    > CPU SHA1 Hash 422.02 MB/s
    > Uniproc CPU LZW Compression 37.96 MB/s
    > Uniproc CPU AES256 Encryption 124.41 MB/s
    > Uniproc CPU Vista Compression 133.45 MB/s
    > Uniproc CPU SHA1 Hash 106.75 MB/s
    > Memory Performance 9264.58 MB/s
    > Direct3D Batch Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Alpha Blend Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D ALU Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Texture Load Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Batch Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Alpha Blend Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D ALU Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Texture Load Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Geometry Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Geometry Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Direct3D Constant Buffer Performance 42.00 F/s
    > Video Memory Throughput 3190.63 MB/s
    > Dshow Video Encode Time 0.00000 s
    > Dshow Video Decode Time 0.00000 s
    > Media Foundation Decode Time 0.00000 s
    > Disk Sequential 64.0 Read 84.42 MB/s 6.3
    > Disk Random 16.0 Read 23.66 MB/s 6.1

    WinSAT DataStore












    ベンチャークラフト Soundroid Typhoon

    [SPDIF インターフェイス (2- USB Audio Interface)]と認識、ドライバはWASAPIドライバ使用







    M-Audio Micro DAC 24/192

    WASAPI: M-Audio Micro DAC 24 192 ドライバ使用 でも





9件の投稿を表示中 - 1 - 9件目 (全9件中)
  • トピック「再生中にシークすると, 再生が止まってしまう」には新しい返信をつけることはできません。