返信先: 画像の大きさ変更

フォーラム TuneBrowser 画像の大きさ変更 返信先: 画像の大きさ変更

Andrew ACTON

Greetings Tiki, Kouma

In my case I am using a PC display with 3840 * 2160 (i.e. ‘4K’) and the Cover image size is a maximum of about 66%? of the vertical height.  I’m happy with the results… I recently upgraded my eye glasses 🙂  See attached image.


If you do consider giving us a PREFERENCE to adjust the Cover Art size I would suggest a simple % increment setting.

“Scale Cover Art” to (50%,75%,90% or 100%) of the vertical screen height.  The user can set the value suitable for their conditions.


Andrew 🙂


