返信先: How does TuneBrowser handle CD (.wav) files with 'Pre-Emphasis'?

フォーラム TuneBrowser How does TuneBrowser handle CD (.wav) files with 'Pre-Emphasis'? 返信先: How does TuneBrowser handle CD (.wav) files with 'Pre-Emphasis'?

Andrew ACTON

Greetings Tiki

I would like to give you some feedback regarding the new Pre-emphasis support in TuneBrowser V4.9.0.

I can report everything works correctly! 🙂


I tested the function with .WAV files extracted from the original CD.

The CD I used has specific tracks to test pre-emphasis ON (Track 37) and OFF (Track 38) for identical music.


Reference CD:

CD Title: “Digital Test – Digital Tests & Demonstration Tracks”

Publisher: “Pierre Verany”

Cat No: “PV.788031/788032”



Track 37: “Analogue De-emphasis Circuit Audible Incidence, Music recorded with pre-emphasis ON”

Track 38: “Analogue De-emphasis Circuit Audible Incidence, Music recorded with pre-emphasis OFF”


Using these two tracks, the resulting sound should be the SAME if the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuits/processing are  working correctly (CD player or PC Software).

Since I only use .WAV files extracted from the original CD, I used the TuneBrowser (manual) tagging method to set the pre-emphasis flag to ‘1’ for tracks requiring de-emphasis.

Before TuneBrowser V4.9.0 (no pre-emphasis support) if you listen to ‘Track 37’ (it HAS pre-emphasis ON when mastered)… the sound is far too ‘bright’ with an over emphasis of higher frequencies (incorrect).

After I setup TuneBrowser V4.9.0 for pre-emphasis processing and set the pre-emphasis flag to ‘1’ for this track, track 37 and 38 now sound identical (correct).

So THANK YOU VERY MUCH for yet another great improvement to TuneBrowser.





P.S I add my setup notes below for other TuneBrowser Users (English):

Enabling Tunebrowser (V4.9.0 and higher) Pre-Emphasis Support

One-time Setup:
(a) Go to: File / Preferences / Tags / Title & Tag
– Use the ADD button.
– ADD NEW ITEM ‘Pre-emphasis’ (under the Property Column… ‘Pre-emphasis’ will now be shown).
– For the ‘Pre-emphasis’ entry you just created add ‘PRE_EMPHASIS’ as the Value.

(b) Go to: File / Preferences / Playback Settings / Decoding / Decoding misc / Automatic De-emphasis
– Choose ‘Yes’ to enable pre-emphasis checking/processing.

Ongoing Setup:
(a) For each track (or complete CD) that was encoded with pre-emphasis, set the ‘Pre-emphasis’ value to ‘1’ under the ‘Properties Panel’ (for the track or entire CD).
Note: Select the track(s) / CD and use the Right Mouse Button to access the ‘Properties Panel’.

When TuneBrowser plays back a track (in my case .WAV file) with the pre-emphasis flag set to ”1’… TuneBrowser uses DSP (44.1 kHz 24 bit) to apply the correct de-emphasis.
