返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue

フォーラム TuneBrowser About HT-A7000 UPnP issue 返信先: About HT-A7000 UPnP issue


Hello, Tiki

Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work properly
I captured some packets and did some comparisons

I found that there is a part that is different…

After the SetAVTransportURI request, the A7000 sends a HEAD request…

This part of the response seems to be very important…

I checked it out, and this is not just for compatibility with SONY devices…

These tags have an effect on some other brands, such as Samsung and others



XML content of SetAVTransportURI request:

HEAD request part:


1. TransferMode.dlna.org
ex: Streaming
2. ContentFeatures.dlna.org
ex: DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000
3. Content-Type

check these threads:

