フォーラム › TuneBrowser › playing music with external upnp renderer problem › 返信先: playing music with external upnp renderer problem
Thank you for dumpfile and additional information (Time format is nice !).
The cause remains unknown. DENON is requesting a file as below:
GET /TuneID/00012610.flac HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: AvegaMediaServer/2.0 Linux/2.6
Accept: */*
transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming
This request is not containing bytes range. So the TuneBrowser sends whole of file by 1MB unit. While sending this one unit, socket is diconnected by DENON.
I have added a parameter: Unit amount to send (KB)(kilobytes). Default is 1024 = 1MB.
– TreeItem: Basic – Network
– Property: OpenHome/UPnP – Media server settings – Unit amount to send (KB)
And also I have added logs to analyzie the behavior. New preliminary version (1690) is already uploaded
Please send me a dumpfile again, when you have time.
Thank you again.